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"What is that?" You mumbled. You focused on the feeling that was emitting from somewhere you didn't know. You closed your eyes in frustration trying to distinguish this feeling, it was uncomfortable yet not painful. It rushed through your body giving you shivers.

You threw your covers off of your body, making a shiver come about from the cold air in your room. You didn't bother clothing yourself, you didn't care enough. You had to get this feeling out of you. You quickly grabbed a hair pin from your night stand quickly tying your ( h/l ) hair up and out of your face.

You quickly rushed out of your room remaining silent not to wake your servants or your family. You continued walking until you reached the door, opening it fast and running out quickly. You had to fix this, this feeling of uneasiness in you.

You quickly sat in the grass crossing your legs and looking up into sky, almost searching for answers. You were surprised to see the moon staring down at you, it was a red color, casting a red tint on your skin making you look as you were glowing.

You look to the left of you seeing a man seated next to you, sitting legs crossed just as you. He continued looking straight not making eye contact with you. You followed his gaze looking straight ahead.

"Why are you doing this?" You say aloud still staring straight ahead. You glance at him, he seems to be smiling. " I had to visit the all mighty Y/n" He says sarcastically. "In my dreams?" He chuckles at your comment. "You're smarter than I thought you would be."

You lay back onto the grass looking up at the red moon above you, "If anything, Thank you, it is quite beautiful." He remained silent. "It isn't meant to be beautiful, it's a warning."

"Can it not be beautiful as well?" You ask innocently, being cautious to not anger the man who has taken control of you.

You grab hold of the grass, realizing how soft it is in your hands, letting the feeling calm you.

You close your eyes for a moment, breathing in the fresh air that surrounds you. You open your eyes and are startles by the overwhelming heat that is engulfing you as you lay there still. You look around you seeing large flames burning everything to the ground. The fiery red making a bright light almost blinding you.

You turn taking in the view around you as you feel a hand clasp around your throat. You feel sharp nails puncturing you neck, bruising you. It feels as if the life if being taken from your body as you feel the hand tighten, choking you.

You stand still, not struggling, maintaining your composure as you feel blood trickle down from your neck to the rest of your body. You can't help yourself.

You laugh, snorting even, leaving the faceless man grabbing your neck confused as he loosens his grasp. "This is quite....horrifying" you say in between laughs, before he can speak you jolt awake fluttering your eyes open, releasing yourself from his grasp, from his nightmarish dream realm.

You internally snicker at the thought...Foolish man,

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