Part 4

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You slowly opened your eyes, glancing around the room trying to understand where exactly you were taken. You grimace slightly as you rise from your laid position. The room you were in was very dark, you were barely able to make the walls or the door, however you could see a sliver of light come out from the main entrance.

You gently rose rose from your resting spot and began to slowly make your way toward the door. 

You slightly hesitated opening it not exactly knowing what would be on the other side. You sigh realizing you had not a choice and opened the door. 

You stood there for a second allowing your eyes to adjust to the sudden bright light. It seemed to be another empty room. However there was a small wardrobe there with a paper note placed in front of it. 

You roll your eyes as you notice you are almost naked despite your undergarments. You briskly make your way to the wardrobe ignoring the note opening it to be welcomed by a white Kimono that was decorated with bright yellow, blue and pink flowers.

"It is.... bright" you say to yourself almost chuckling at this choice of kimono. 

You grab the Kimono holding it, you admired it for a second knowing it was traditional for most women, the brighter colors,  the beautiful flowers. It was very fitting of a young woman. 

If it were anyone else you would have simply accepted it. But Ryomen did this only out of spite to make you into a "submissive woman". 

You shut the doors of the wardrobe still holding the Kimono tightly in your hand. 

You slowly find the exit of the room and begin almost wandering barely clothed holding a kimono. However you knew exactly who you wanted to find. 

You continued straight down the hallway passing many doors, all of them looking the same, no sound coming from any of them. You eventually reached a larger door that seemed to be an entrance to a thrown room. 

Before opening the door you quickly adjusted your posture being prepared to face him.

You clear your throat and push the doors open allowing for you to walk through.

Despite many other people being in the large throne room mostly servants. Your eyes focus on the throne that currently seats Sukana. You hear gasps as you enter, mostly due to you in-modest presence. It was funny to you that they would find a body in-modest, as there was no need to sexualize it.

You continue walking until you are directly in front of the stairs to his throne looking up at him, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Where are my clothes, I will not wear this?"

"Ah why not? This is a beautiful Kimono that would best be fit for someone of your caliber, I-"

"No. this attire is meant for a young impressionable woman who is looking for a man to court her, I am a queen."

You glare up at him as you watch him chuckle softly. 

"well I don't mind your current choice of clothing so if you like you can stay like that or wear the Kimono" He says still smirking down at you.

You silently stare back at him, knowing that this would say enough to him, he wouldn't dare do this if he needed your jujutsu.

"Servant" he calls over a young girl. "find better fit attire for her." He says rolling his eyes. 

"While you're at it find something that shows off her assets" he says chuckling.

"Ryomen stop talking". You say, looking as his mouth shuts completely and his eyes slightly twitch in anger. You laugh loudly knowing he cannot do anything and follow the servant out of the room waving your slightly in a circular motion, removing the effect of your jujustu on him. 

You laugh to yourself as the doors shut as you hear him cursing loudly at you, saying very vulgar things at you causing the smile on your face to spread even larger. what an aggressive man.

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