Part 6

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I was then escorted to some type of hall. 

It was completely empty with just Ryomen alone at a long table. 

"Come sit with me" he says sarcastically. You ignore him and sit at the end of the table opposite from him.

"How will you pretend to be my wife, my queen, if you are too afraid to sit near me" he chuckles. 

you roll your eyes, "I guess I am a good actress Ryomen". 

You lower your voice slightly to sound more seductive and intimate. 

"Darinn kun  I would never need to pretend of my love, I do love you" Your voice has such a sound of sincerity that Ryomen is pushed back and for one does not say anything.

Instead he beckoned his servants and they came with food. courses and courses of the finest meats.

"Eat up Iho" Ryomen says snarkingly. 

You grab your glass and drink the tea, convinced that is the only thing he could not have poisoned.

Ryomen begins to eat, rather politely, using etiquite which surprises you. 

"You will act as my queen, and sit there saying no words, no remarks, only there to hear the truth, which I know you will be able to do" he says, as he continues to eat.

"And after you will release me from this hell?" you asks blankly. 

He continues to eat and does not say anything, you try to get an answer but he still says nothing, and his thoughts read nothing as well. 


"As my queen, while you are to act submissive to me, you must be seen as strong and powerful to others, correct posture, maintaining eye contact. If this is not done correctly both of us will be in danger."

You nod in agreement, "Where is it that you are taking me?" you ask awaiting an answer

"There'll be powerful spirits, able to do more than me and more than you, I need to know what they are planning if anything" he says continuing to eat the food off his dish.

You were done with questions. Whatever this was, it was somewhere you did not want to be, so you knew you had to trust Ryomen and in fact act as his queen.

"We will leave tomorrow evening, I suggest you find appropriate garment to wear, while I do enjoy the lack of modesty this will not do."

You glance up at him to see him eyeing you, and watching you closely for a reaction. 

You stand and brush off your clothing and make your way back to your room, choosing to be done with the conversation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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