You continued walking closer towards the figure, making out his distinct features that were somewhat recognizable. You stopped walking almost an arms width away from him, standing tall remaining silent. 

You focused on his face trying to read his features. 

"Ready?" The man said, putting on a quick genuine smile and putting out his arm for you to grab. 

You raise your eyebrows in surprise at his actions, and gently hooked your arm through his as you waved off your servant and began to walk, as you were following his lead. Out of your property.

"This human form that you have put on is not deceiving me, even in this form, your kimono, your hair, the distinct way you carry yourself."

"Ahh" He chuckles, "Do not fret, i don't think that low of you, however i could not have taken you so easily in my cursed form."

You continue walking along side of him, not noticing where in fact he is taking you. 

"Ryomen?"  You ask as you feel him almost tense up slightly at the use of his name so casually, you smirk at your doing.

"Where are you taking me?" You ask, letting go of his arm and standing firm wanting an answer. You watch as he turns right around as well standing directly in front of you. Looking down at you, as he was quite tall, however you weren't used to this as you were tall too.

"You ask too many questions for a woman " He says running his hands through his hair as you now notice his more familiar form appear, where curse marks cover his face. You scowl at his reply. 

He smirks at you, "ah do not get upset Kawai On'nanoko" he says quite sarcastically with slight spite in his tone. You grimace at his words used towards you, you were not a girl, and you were more than 'pretty'. If he wasn't going to cooperate then this is where your jujutsu would come into good use .

"Ryomen Sukana." You say looking at him, you watch as his smirk slowly falls under you abilities and his eyes turn blank, no longer filled with amusement. You watch as you can see his internal struggle to speak to you, to curse at you, to fight you.

"Where are you taking me?" you ask sternly knowing he cannot deny you this time. You feel a sadistic smile creep onto your face as you watch him struggle to stay silent under your curse.

"I need you to come with me to be there as a protection" he says through his teeth. You release your curse on him. 

"Busu, you act like a man." He snarls at you almost wanting to choke you, but he wouldn't dare tough the part he needed most. Your voice.

"Okay, then do what you must, do not harm my people, or else i will make sure you suffer" You say looking off to the beautiful landscape that lies before you. The sky remained a neutral light blue however there was sunlight cascading on the ground, illuminating the grass and the beautiful trees. Your moment is interrupted by a familiar laugh.

"You think you can kill me Warugaki?" He smirks obviously under the intention to bother you with his 'pet names'

You knew his plans, he was going to use you for his needs, however he couldn't dare leave a sorcerer who could even be half as powerful as him let along yourself, who could have matched his abilities live. 

You sigh knowing the conflict that awaits the two of you, he was quite stubborn. You knew what was coming next, nevertheless you let it happen, as his intention is not to harm you but to make sure you were unconscious. You felt his hand wrap around your throat blocking your airways. You began to slip away into your mind as you felt him pick you up bridal style and carry you to whatever location he had intentions on taking you.

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