Kidnapping time

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I love this fanart ^^ but a reminder none of the fanart used in this story belongs to me. I'm not sure who made them. 

It was the next day and Dabi and Hawks were meeting shiggy at the lov hideout. Today was the day, they were kidnapping shigaraki. They weren't too sure what Ripper was gonna do to him but this was the only way to keep each other safe so they had no other choice but to bring him where Ripper wanted him. They both got ready at Hawks apartment and then went to the lov hideout. When they walked in they found everyone at the bar but shigaraki 

"Hey, guys where shigaraki?" Dabi asked 

"He's in his room." 

"Okay, thanks." 

Hawks and Dabi both made their way to shiggy's room. Once they got there, Dabi knocked and shigaraki let them both in. 

"What do you need?" Shigaraki said making his way back to his desk where he was playing video games. 

"We need your help with something." 

After a while, Dabi, Hawks, and Shigaraki left to go get some dinner. Hawks drove but instead of going to dinner, he went to an abandoned building not far from the lov hideout. They led shigaraki inside and found Ripper and his crew inside. 

"Well looks like you actually brought me what I wanted after all." 

Shigaraki looked up at the man and then back at Dabi and Hawks. 

"Well, we'll be taking him with us." The ripper said while two of his men walked over towards Shigaraki. 

"Wait!" Hawks shouted 

"Are you gonna kill him?" Hawks asked, trying to stall 

"Why does it matter to you?" The ripper asked 

Before Hawks could answer him the rest of the league ran into the building. The ripper signaled his men to attack but Kurogiri teleported all of them somewhere else. 

"Well, that's a neat little quirk you got there." The ripper said, moving closer to the league. 

"So you're traders after all? Couldn't do a simple task?" 

"We don't betray family," Dabi said 

Dabi lit flames into his hands and was ready to attack when shigaraki walked over to Ripper. He put 4 fingers around the man's throat. 

"You move and I put my fifth finger down. I suggest you come with us." 

Hawks walked over to him and blindfolded him. They led him to the lov hideout and locked him up in the basement where they would question him later. 

Dabi and Hawks were sitting at the bar where Shigaraki joined them. 


"Yeah?" Hawks asked, looking over at Shigaraki. 

"I get why Dabi loves you so much." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, you will do anything to help people and to do the right thing. I don't really like that you're a hero but I guess I get why you are." 

"Well, I never really had a choice. I was forced to be a hero but I guess it's all worth it in the end if I get to help people." 

None of them said anything else but they were all glad to be with each other. They were all family. They were glad that they could rely on each other. 

Shigaraki eventually got up to go question Ripper and Dabi and Hawks left to go to Hawk's apartment. 


Hawks walked into his apartment with Dabi following and sat down on the couch. 

"I'm exhausted." Hawks said

Dabi laid down on top of Hawks and snuggled into his chest.

"Me too" 



"Do you think I'll ever be able to meet your parents? You never really talk about them." 

"I don't think that's a good idea Dabi." 


"It's just not"

"Okay sorry," Dabi said, sitting up and getting off of Hawks 

Hawks sat up and grabbed Dabi's wrist before he could walk away. 

"I'm sorry it's just my dad's in jail and well my mom isn't around anymore.." 

"Oh, Hawks I'm sorry I didn't know." 

"It's fine, I don't talk about it much. You're actually the first person I've told." 

Dabi pulled Hawks into a tight hug. Eventually, they broke apart from each other and headed to sleep. 


Shigaraki walked down to the basement. He walked over to the chair Ripper was tied up in. He tore the ducktape off of his mouth and then sat in front of him. 

"What do you want from us?" Shigaraki said while playing with the knife in his hand 

"You're crazy if you think I'm telling you anything." 

"Hm... Welp guess I'm just gonna have to kill you then." 

"No, wait!" 

"Wait for?" Shigaraki said sitting back down in the chair 

"Look I just wanted to take you guys out because all of my recruits are scared of you guys, specifically All for one." 

Shigaraki started laughing hysterically 

"What's so funny?" 

"That you actually thought you could take us out," Shigaraki said in between laughs 

Shigaraki got up and put his hands around the man's throat, leaving one finger up. The man looked up at him with fear in his eyes. Shigaraki let his last finger land on the man's throat and the man decay. All that was left was a pile of ashes on the floor. 

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