Chapter 5

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Bruh how is it possible for someone to look that dangerous and hot at the same time-

like wtf

anywyas continue reading

Currently writing this during school, while I again, have another test tomorrow. -_- hope you guys like this one! 

Not Edited

~The next Day~

Toby and Jim both walked to school that day, as riding a bike would be harder to talk about the events that happened last night. Specifically with two strange-looking trolls. Toby, being so curious, wanted to know what Jim had decided. Whether he would beat up Steve using the amulet or be beaten up by him. Being patient for too long, the curiosity eats Toby and he asked anyways. 

"So? What did you decide?" He asked, hoping Jim would say yes. Jim on the other hand, took it a different way. Sighing, he replied, " That if anyone finds out what happened in my kitchen last night, we'll both be committed. " Toby shook his head and asked clearly again. 

" I meant about kicking Steve's butt!" Surprised, Jim shook his head in denial. "Give up the dream Tobes. There's no way I can beat Steve. Besides, if you're gonna suggest using the amulet, then absolutely not. You heard the troll, catastrophic things can happen and I don't want to lose my mother. Much less you. And (Y/N) too..." He muttered the last part, hoping Toby wouldn't have heard. 

Toby was too busy looking at the weird amulet. "Dude, you brought it to school? What the-" Jim put his hand over his mouth. "Can you shut up? I don't want anyone thinking I'm weird if they heard you." 

Toby snorted. "It's not like they're gonna believe you anyway." Toby snickered a little bit. Jim was about to protest when he something glowing. "Yo, does this thing run on batteries? What's it doing?" Not sure what to do, he starts to run to the boy's locker room. "G-Give me a *inhale* second," Toby breathed out. The amulet started glowing brighter and brighter, almost illuminating the room on its own. 

Shit! Shit! I think I hear a teacher coming. Oh crap, what am I going to do!? Jim panicked, worried someone might accidentally see him. "Dude you gotta transform now! Or, uh, or something might happen." Jim looked over at him with a confused expression. Toby shrugged and then put his attention back on the amulet. 

Within seconds, Jim had already transformed. The beautiful silver armor shining with blue hues around Jim. Even though Toby had already seen this, it still brought tears to his eyes. " So..beAuTiful! I'm gonna cry! SO cOoL!!" Jim looked over at his friend in an unreadable expression. Not knowing to both of them, a certain pair of bright forest green eyes was watching them. 

"Jim? Jim, are you in here?" Jim immediately recognized the voice as of Mr. Strickler. 

"Keep him out of here!"  He whispered yelled at Toby. "But- how?!" Toby asked. Jim was already in panic mode. Shitshitshitshit. What if am I supposed to do now??

Toby got an idea and tried to stall Mr. Strickler. " Oh hey uh, Mr. Strickler! Howyaaaa Doing?" He drawled, trying to get enough time for Jim to get out of his armor. 

"Ah, Toby. Have you seen Jim? I believe he came in here?" He said, walking near the small hall where Jim possibly could be. Toby, starting to dread what might come, came right in front of him.

"Yeah, he um, he's having some issues y'know? Taco Tuesday, vicious! I think he could probably use some time alone-" Mr. Strickler, not even paying attention to what he was saying, looked over and saw Jim, in an unusual form of attire. 

"Jim. I don't believe that's appropriate school attire, Do you?" Jim began running through his mind to look for excuses. Behind Mr. Strickler, he saw the poster for the play tryouts. "Oh yeah, this! Funny story about this. It's uh... for Romeo and Juliet!" Mr. Strickler didn't say anything but just raised a brow. " Yeah, it's for the try-outs!" Toby blurted in fake excitement. "Jim's gonna totally smoke those auditions, I mean look at his costume! So realistic!" 

TrollHunters  - ( Jim Lake Jr. X  Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now