New Girl?

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Max sighed, standing before the three children he currently was watching over for the day, and the three children he watched over every other day. "Okay girls, your going to get a new friend today. She'll be coming later today, now, she's very shy, I had to meet her ahead of time so she'd be okay with me, so your gonna have to keep your voices down-" One of the girls, who's name was Natsuki, interrupted max. "Wha!? No way I'm keeping my voice down for some mystery lady!" She shouted feistily.  "Natsuki, do you want to scare her off or something?" Max asked looking at the small pink-haired child. "Ehh.... How old is she?" Natsuki asked in response. "Why would you need to know tha-" "Answer me!" Natsuki cut him off with a shout. "She's a year older than you." Natsuki began to think. Monika was a year older than her too, but, when she asked Monika to help her with her mischief, she denied and said that 'bad things are called bad for a reason'. Maybe, this new mystery lady could help her. "Fine, I guess I don't wanna scare her off." Natsuki grumbled, crossing her arms. "You were focusing for a long time Natsuki, it looked like you were trying to poop." Sayori said leaning past Monika, who was still looking at Max. Max clapped twice, regaining the attention of Sayori and Natsuki. "Now, just be kind to her, and don't get offended if she runs away from you." He informed. The girls nodded. 

A new car pulled up to Max's house. Max smiled. "Ah, that must be her!" He said going to the door and opening it. As far as the three children saw, Max greeted the new girl's mother, the mom said hi back, then the new girl took Max's hand and walked inside with him. Once this new girl caught sight of the other three she immediately hid behind Max. She had long purple hair, Natsuki couldn't believe her eyes, how can someone be so tall? Sure, Monika was tall, but she just barely passed Max's waist, but she was, like, just below his elbow when he stands up straight. Natsuki knew Max was tall, but he didn't count because he was an adult. "Do you feel like introducing yourself?" Max asked, looking behind himself and at the new girl. She replied with a small nod. She stepped to Max's side. "I- i'm Yuri, nice t- to meet you all." She stuttered. Sayori darted over to her and shook her hand. "Hi. I'm Sayori." She said ever cheerful and excited, yet octaves lower so it wouldn't spook the new girl. Monika walked over to her next. "I'm Monika, nice to meet you Yuri. That's a pretty name by the way." She said with a calm smile. "T- thank you." Yuri responded in a soft tone. Natsuki pushed her two friends out of the way and grinned at the taller girl, full of confidence. "Natsuki, nice to meet you." She said, not nearly as loud as normal, and not nearly as loud as Yuri expected it to be. She sighed from relief and gave a small smile. 

"Okay, Monika, let's go practice on that piano then?" Max asked, Monika lit up and nodded. "Ooh! I'm coming too!" Sayori said following close behind them. Natsuki's grin turned mischievous. "Okay, listen up!" Natsuki said grabbing Yuri's shoulders. Yuri squeaked in surprised. "Do you like, mischief?" Natsuki asked, saying it like it was drugs or something. Not that they knew what drugs were but still. "E- Eh? Isn't that, bad?" Yuri asked, slightly confused. "Well, not unless you get caught it's not."  Natsuki explained. "So, it's n- not bad if you don't g- get caught?" Yuri asked, brushing Natsuki's hands off her shoulders. "Nope!" Natsuki replied happily. "So, as l- long as were sneaky it's not a- against the rules?" "You just said the same thing twice but yes." Natsuki said putting her hands on her hips. "I- is it fun?" Yuri asked, tilting her head like a confused puppy. "Yeah! Really fun!" Natsuki said, grabbing on to the taller girl's hand. "Okay t- then, Natsuki, w- would you like to go m- make some m- mischief together?" Yuri asked, now smiling. "Let's go!" Natsuki said dragging Yuri off. 

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