Mischief & Mayhem!

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Natsuki's plan was falling into place perfectly. She had been training Yuri to become the perfect accomplice, and the taller girl didn't disappoint, not even once. They had successfully created chaos within the daycare. They had everything under their control and nobody even knew it. Yuri also proved to be a good friend too.

"Alright, enough games. Now were going for the big stuff. I thing I've never been able to get my hands on." Natsuki said rubbing her hands together manically. "What is i- it?" Yuri asked anxiously. Natsuki pointed towards the kitchen. "The cookie jar!" She said with a grin.

There they stood, toe to toe with the counter, the only thing standing in the way of Natsuki, and a cookie. Natsuki herself had never been able to reach the jar due to the fact she wasn't very gifted in height. "Alright, now all you have to do is jump up their and grab the cookie jar." Natsuki explained, turning towards her friend. "W- Why do you want in the c- cookie jar anyway? A- All of the good stuff i- is in the freezer." Yuri said pointing to the fridge. "Eh? You're being serious right now, right?" Natsuki said walking over to the fridge. "Mhm. Th- the freezer is where my mom k- keeps all of the c- candy." Yuri explained. "Max bought more candy just yesterday." Natsuki said begining to drool, thinking of all the wonderful treats that could be held in the tiny compartment above the fridge. "I r- remember." Yuri nodded. "Well, forget the cookie jar then! Our next big heist is the freezer!" Natsuki exclaimed. "W- While you were thinking about it I a- actually got the g- goods." Yuri said bluntly. Now with packages of candy ranging from Milkyways to Whatchamacallits. Natsuki gasped in surprise. "I would give you a high five but I don't want you to drop the candy." She said excited. Yuri nodded. "To the secret hideout!" Natsuki shouted. The secret hideout was just a small pillow fort the two had made together. Yuri set down the bounty of snacks. 

"Do y- you think Mr. Max is g- going to notice we t- took all of this c- candy?" Yuri asked biting down on a Hershey bar. Natsuki grinned. "Oh he totally will. But, we were able to prove our innocence before." She said, proud of herself. Yuri nodded. "That's t- true." She said. "Well, I guess I w- was worried for n- nothing then." She said crumpling up a candy wrapper. "Mhm." Natsuki said, her mouth stuffed with Three Musketeers. "Usually I- i'm only allowed to e- eat three p- pieces of candy at a time." Yuri said with a small smile. "Eh? Why?" Natsuki questioned, puzzled. Yuri shrugged. "Momma a- always says i- it's because I g- get too hyper." She explained after swallowing a bite of candy. "Ooh." Natsuki grinned. "Well, you can eat all you want, because nobody is gonna stop you!" She added pumping her fist in the air. Yuri giggled with a smile before grabbing another piece of candy.

"What happened here?" Max asked himself, puzzled as to why there was no candy left in the freezer. "I couldn't have given them all away already.." He rubbed his chin. "Monika, Sayori, do you two know where the candy went?" He turned around and asked the small children. "I saw Natsuki and Yuri in the kitchen earlier." Monika said pointing to the pillow fort. "You and Sayori were both with me. So those two are our only culprits." Max said walking over to the fort. "Natsuki, Yuri! Come out of there." Max said kneeling down infront of the fort. Natsuki moved the blanket covering up the entrance and looked at Max. "Give the candy back to me please." Max said holding up his hand. "Mmm. Nah." Natsuki said with a smug grin. "Natsuki, don't make me grab it myself." Max narrowed his eyes. "Take another step and I'll release her." Natsuki replied boldly. "Who?" Max became confused as to what Natsuki was talking about. "Yuri, duh." Natsuki explained. Max sighed before taking another step. "You just made the worst mistake of your life." Natsuki grinned before moving out of the way, Yuri zoomed out of the fort. "What the-!?" Max looked behind himself to see Yuri running around the entire house. "How does a kid run that fast?!" He exclaimed. "Candy." Natsuki replied before Max started to chase after Yuri. Natsuki rubbed her hands together before pulling the blanket back in it's place with a small giggle.

Natsuki grinned, proud of herself for being the cause for most of this chaos. She climbed up the chair that was currently being used as a latter for the fort and moved the blanket out of the way before popping her head up. "And now, the next pain in Max's butt. The sugar rush saga!"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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