Chapter Twenty Five

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I'm 20 weeks so like 5 months along and I'm having one of many scans but this time Bucky is with me and Brooke is at school,
"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Barnes?" A lady asked when she walked in and sat beside the bed, I took a deep breath,
"Yes, we are." I said smiling as Bucky held my hand,
"First baby?" She asked, I laughed and looked at Bucky,
"First time being here for the pregnancy, I was a victim of the blip." Bucky said squeezing my hand, the lady nodded and held the gel in her hands,
"It's gonna be cold." She said as she applied what felt like ice to my rather large bump,
"So is the little one okay?" I asked, the woman smiled and looked at the screen,
"There's multiple heart beats, well congrats." The lady didn't finish her thought and I looked at the screen frantically, did our baby has a heart defect, was it picking up mine because mine is beating really face right now,
"Is there something wrong?" Bucky asked just as scared as I was,
"No, your babies are perfectly healthy." The woman stated staring at us with a smile,
"Babies, PLURAL?" I asked in shock, Bucky's grip tightened and the lady looked at us,
"Twins." She said, I looked at her for a second before everything went black.

I opened my eyes as quickly as I could, Bucky was patting my head with a damp wash cloth. He smiled at me and shook his head,
"You were really shocked huh?" He teased, I hit his arm with a giggle,
"You were out for like 2 minutes but you're perfectly fine, so you can go home and rest because you'll be back really soon," the lady said before removing the gel from my belly, I turned and stopped,
"What are they?" I asked looking at her, she smiled and looked at the picture of the sonogram,
"Boy and a Girl." She said as she handed the scan to Bucky who held my hand as we walked to the car,
"Twins." Bucky stated softly before he looked at the picture,
"We need to think of names, Steven as a middle name?" I asked Bucky smiled and nodded,
"Our little girl, Natalie?" Bucky asked, I smiled as I held onto his hand and nodded, I took a deep breath,
"Natalie Antonia Rogers Barnes and Peter Steven Rogers Barnes." I said looking at Bucky, he stared for a second,
"Natalie after Nat, Antonia after who?" He asked. I smiled,
"Tony." I stated as I ran my hand over my stomach,
"Peter is after the spider kid, and Steven is Steve." He said as he put his hand over mine, I smiled,
"Peter after Pietro and Peter, Pietro saved a lot of people and I think Wanda really deserves to meet a child who will get to grow up unlike her brother." I said softly, Bucky nodded and kissed my cheek before he drove us home.

We walked through the door and found Brooklyn asleep on the couch,
"I guess she got in her own way." Bucky said with a chuckle, I smiled and looked at Brooklyn and then I bent down beside her and rubbed her arm,
"Brooke, do you want to know how the appointment went?" I asked softly, she rubbed her eyes and nodded as she sat up slowly,
"Stay seated, it's a little shocking," Bucky said, I gave him a death glare, as if telling him it's his fault.
"So you know how mommy's as big as a house right now?" I asked softly, Brooklyn pouted slightly,
"Is the baby really really fat?" She asked, I put a hand over my mouth before I laughed in her face, I smiled and shook my head before I held her hands,
"There's two babies in my belly. You have a little sister and brother." I said gently, Brooklyn let go of my hands and ran over to Bucky,
"Fork over the $50." She said putting her hand out, I looked at Bucky who hung his head and put a fifty dollar bill in our 4 year old's hand, Brooklyn took the money and ran to her room. Bucky stood staring at me,
"You made a bet with our child?" I asked crisis my arms, Bucky chuckled and shrugged,
"I said it was one baby that was just really big, she said it had to be twins. We bet $50 she was right or she had to wash the cars if it was just one." I rolled my eyes and shook my head, I went into the kitchen and grabbed some leftovers,
"You're adorable but you really shouldn't be doing that." I said as I shoved potatoes in my mouth,
"I had to reward her for guessing correctly, plus she did that thing with her lips and her eyes." Bucky said with a sigh as he leaned on the counter,
"That little girl has you wrapped around your finger." I said with a smile just as Bucky kissed my cheek,
"She isn't the only one." He said softly, I laughed and looked at my potatoes,
"Well these have me wrapped around their spuds and I can't deny it." I winked at him while pointing at my potatoes, he rolled his eyes and walked off, most likely to play dress up with Brooke. I've been catching him play with her the past few months, I'm starting to think he's scared that he'll be neglecting Brooke when the babies come. Brooklyn understands that until we can figure out a rhythm it might take a while before there's mommy, daddy, and Brookey time. I stood in the kitchen as the babies kicked, I smiled as warmth flooded my chest. I was very happy when Brooke in my belly but it always came with a bit of sadness, now it just seems so right and perfect. Like nothing could rain on my parade, hopefully.

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