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"I didn't ask for any of this! But do you know why I put up with it all? Because I love you!" The silence was awkward after your confession, the words 'I love you' lingering in the air. You could see the realisation turn into confusion on Carl's face. Never before have you wanted so badly for the ground to open up and swallow you whole.

Over the years there's so much of Carl's shit you had to put up with yet you couldn't imagine not being beside him through it all. You stood by him through his stint in juvy and then through the military. You watched girls come and go and did nothing but pick up the pieces when it ultimately ended. So when a guy was interested in you, you were pissed that Carl wasn't happy hence the l-bomb being dropped.

You should've listened to him though. Deep down you knew his concerns were valid because the guy ended up being an asshole which was why you were sat on the steps of the Gallagher house, cheeks wet from crying. "H-hey Y/N." Carl greeted, surprised that you were at his house since you haven't spoken after that night. He saw the tears and immediately knew what had happened. He was angry. Carl took a breath though knowing that was the last thing you wanted or needed right. "Do you want me to get Fiona?"

"I just need you here with me right now." You said and he didn't hesitate to sit next to you and wrap his arm around you, pulling you in for a hug. There was so much to talk about but right now the two of you were content.

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