Preference how you meet

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Lip Gallagher:

The door to 'The Alibi' swung open, a cute boy walking in with a cigarette slotted in between his lips. "The usual please Kevi- and who are you?" The boy leaned against the bar.

"New girl. What can I get you?" I replied, showing no interest.

"Ohhh, acting like you don't think I'm the sexiest man alive." He replied, stubbing out his cancer stick.

"You a Gallagher?" He looked shocked before replying, "um yeah, Lip."

"Ah, that explains it. I was told to stay away from you." I said, giggling and cleaning glasses.

"By who?" Lip didn't look happy that he couldn't get what he wanted. He wasn't used to that.

"By me." "Kev?! What the fuck? She's hot and you aren't letting me fuck her?" Lip shouted.

"Phillip, meet my little sister Y/N."

At that point, I think Lip's eyes bulged out of his head.

Ian Gallagher:

"IAN GALLAGHER. I'M GONNA FUCKIN' KILL YA." Three boys stormed into the store, supposedly looking for an 'Ian'.

"Jesus, the day I go shopping and someone is getting murdered," I mumbled, trying to carry on with the list.

"What the fuck did you just say?" The ringleader marched up to me. "Ugh, who are you looking for?" I sighed, turning to face the boy with the bat.

"Ian, ginger, freckled, works here?" I thought back to the boy the walked into the storeroom just before the 'gang' came in.

"Oh. I think he told his boss he was sick? Probably at home." I shrugged, hoping he wouldn't catch me in my lie.

"Fuck, fine. Come on." The greasy boy turned to the others and stomped out.

As I tried to carry on with shopping, I got interrupted again, "why did you do that? If he finds out you're lying he'll kill you." A boy, that must've been Ian, walked out of the storeroom straight towards me.

"You seem too nice to kill. I saw you helping that old lady before, really sweet of you. Not many boys like you around here." I ended my sentence with a smile, blushing slightly because he was quite cute. He blushed back, a hand running through his hair.

"I don't know if this is too forward but can I have your number?" Ian asked, looking terrified. "Without knowing my name?" I asked, pretending to be offended.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Obviously, you wouldn't like me." He started to turn away.

"Hey, I'm fucking with you. I'm Y/N, and here's my number." Without buying anything, I started to walk out of the shop and turned my head to see Ian staring at my ass.

As I walked out the door, I heard a low whistle, making me giggle.

Fiona Gallagher:

"Hey, Fiona! The school have given me a tutor!" Debbie shouted through the house, getting her work ready on the kitchen table.

"And how much is that gonna fuckin' cost me?" She shouted back. At that point, Debbie had already let me in the house.

With a smile, I shouted back: "nothing, I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart." Fiona ran down the stairs with a panicked look on her face.

"Ah shit, I'm sorry for being rude. Hi, I'm Fiona." The cute girl held her hand out but I was stuck on that smile of hers. "Um, Y/N." I stuttered back at her.

She laughed and tucked some hair behind her ear before directing me to the kitchen. "So you like my sister huh?" Debbie said with a smile.

"Why do you need a tutor?" I replied, making us both laugh. "She's cute." I smiled before getting stuck into the work.

Mickey Milkovich:

I hadn't stopped running for at least five minutes, a group of boys threatening to jump me.

"Ahh." I smashed right into a strong build, hitting the floor.

"Watch where you're fuckin' goin'," the voice replied, just watching me lay on the floor. "There she is, get here!" I heard from behind me.

"Oh shit," I said slowly standing up. "They after you?" The boy that knocked you down asked.

"Um, yeah. I stole a part from their car." I replied, getting ready to run. "I'll handle this," I looked at him confused until I saw the fear in the gang's eyes.

"You wanna mess with the broad, you gotta get through me." Immediately, the boys turned around and sulked away.

"Hey, thanks. You didn't need to do that but thanks." I said, blushing because he was quite cute.

"I couldn't let a hottie like you get beat up." He smirked and walked away.

I didn't even get his name...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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