Calm Before the Storm

14 2 1

Miles apart

Just words connecting us

They believe in judging people by looks

Which is why they'll never get this

Cuz feelings don't need proximity honey,

I know that now

And I hope you do too

Merely weeks old this friendship is

But its depth lies deeper than their minds can fathom

Cuz they have never seen the darkness in me that you have

Cuz I haven't given them a chance to understand me like you have

Usually, I'm cautious to the extremes,

keep conversations only till the brims

But somehow, I've shown you a vulnerable side that I don't think people around me recognize

Connection, crisp as a lightning

Cracking through thin air,

Cuz not many people get me like you do

So, promise me please

That I'll never lose the friend that I've found in you.

That no matter how stupid I am

You'll handle me like you always do. 

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