I Will Be Okay

15 1 7

I will be okay.

It may not be today,

I might still be crying over you tomorrow, or the day after

But I will be okay.

Someday, I will look at your profile

Not with the tears lining my lashes

And questions clouding my eyes

Of how unphased you still seem

How you probably never cared

Of how I would have fought

The entire world for you, with you

But instead, you directed all your weapons towards me,

Scratching over all my dusted scars with them.

I may not be okay today,

But I will be someday.

And that day, I hope,

Your profile only brings out that

nostalgic smile on my face,

remembering, not the scars but the memories

remembering not the end, but the journey

remembering not your last text,

but the numbered infinity,

our short friendship created

using the countless exchange of words

which will be forever inscribed in my heart.

Cuz even if you could ask me to forget this ever happened

My heart could never.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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