Trying to let you go

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I think 'I need to stop writing about you',

And then fill the whole page with

My emotions, feelings so deep

That you evoked, the second I saw that text of yours

The second I saw that I could no longer send texts

Cuz I wasn't 'allowed to'

This is the second time you've hurt me

Stupid me!

Should've understood the first time

You said I'm the sweetest you've ever met

Then all I want to ask is why?

Why is it that after everything I told you,

You still did the one thing I was always the most afraid of

You left me, left with just an apology

And some beautiful memories of our friendship

That I have to cherish alone

Took you not even a day

To go back to your life

Like I never happened

Like my name never crossed you

Like our friendship was nothing

More than some informal surface level exchange

Maybe that is exactly what it was for you.

Maybe that is why this all is so easy for you.

Maybe this realization is exactly what makes it is so hard for me.

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