Troll Fest - Teaser/ Prologue

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Troll fest – Teaser Prologue

Zianna walked the hallways of the place she called her high school, looking for her best friend Nester. She had looked in the classes he had, the cafeteria and the poor girl had even gotten a male freshman to scour the boy’s washroom, to no avail. Finally, she decided to check the last two places she thought he'd be at - the library (no one ever entered that place. It was spooky) and the auditorium. Nester probably was in the auditorium, practicing with his band - The Grunge. 

She walked towards the auditorium nearly missing the senior’s notice board. A pink colored notice caught her eye and she did a double take, turning around to check out the pink notice - the seniors never did pink, literally everyone detested that color. "Troll Fest 2013 - Let's make this Senior year unforgettable."  Troll Fest? What on earth is that? Zianna wondered and continued reading. The notice looked something like this - 

“Troll Fest”

 ’This year,2013, the Faculty decided to have something different than the usual annual sports day held  annually in April. So, this year after talking to the Student Council and   gaining an idea from a secret voting with selected students, the council and the faculty have jointly decided to hold troll Fest- a prank war using the famous Internet memes. The Fest starts on Tuesday, April 2nd and ends on April 12th. The details and rules of this Fest will be discussed on Monday, April 1st at 2.30 pm in the auditorium in the south building. Everyone's welcome.' -Teacher's Faculty and Students council.

 Zianna checked her watch, it was 2.20 and she realized that today in fact was the 1st. ' Hmm, Nester's probably in the auditorium’ she thought. That dude was a punctual freak. Sadly, Zianna, on the other hand was a bit slow. She got to know things late and quite frequently it was her fault – she was stuck in her own world most of the time, creating her own imaginary versions of her life.

Zianna began walking toward the Auditorium; she had to see what Troll Fest was all about! It sounded like a great prank festival. She wondered if there would be some kind of prize for the winner. Because, let’s face it, some kind of incentive would only serve to spur on the desire to prank others. In her mind, Zianna had already begun envisioning different scenarios of the Fest.

She reached the auditorium with two minutes to spare having walked pretty fast and taking the shortcut through the grounds.

She entered the auditorium, immediately noticing that it was pitch dark and the curtains were just about to open. As her vision adjusted she could make out that the auditorium was packed – this had almost never happened. The seniors of her school had more interest in doing anything other than listening to the principal or the teachers drone on about something relatively unimportant and unrelated to anything happening to them.  Slowly, trying to make her way to an empty seat she’s spotted when someone opened the door and spilled light into the room, Zianna heard a voice call out to her, “ Ze, come back here. I’ve saved you a seat.”

Zianna turned around and saw a hazy picture of Nester who was half hidden in the darkness. H indeed had an empty seat next to him. It was right in the center, in the middle row of the auditorium.

“Hey, Nest, how come you didn’t tell me about this? And where were you? I’ve been searching for you since Economics lecture, after you just disappeared like that!” Zianna accused Nester, who tried to pacify her by answering, “Ze, check your phone, I sent you like three texts and tried to call you twice, you didn’t pick up.”

“Well” Zianna checked her pockets for her phone and when she didn’t find it, she muttered, “ It was just here, wasn’t it?”

“Shh, now shut up, it’s starting” Nester told her.

“Hey people, boys and girls. Welcome to the very first official meeting of Troll Fest. Well, it’s not a meeting technically, but we didn’t know what to call it yet. But, we’ll figure that out soon.” said the onstage host, Tyler Barnes, the President of the Student Council.

“This year, instead of the annual Sports Day we figured we’d do something more fun, leave a legacy behind for the juniors to follow. And, believe me; it took a lot of convincing for the teachers to agree to this. So let’s have a blast, coz we deserve it.” He said, amidst loud cheers from out class.

“So, let’s not make you wait anymore – here’s the Vice Prez of our Council, Fred Patterson to tell you all about the Fest.” He said, handing over the mike to Fred, one of the best looking boys Zianna knew, with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and a really nice attitude to match.

“Hey folks, so let’s get the rules and regulations out first. There are three major rules and they cannot be broken whatsoever. Right, first- No harmful trolls, nothing that will put any person in danger and that includes bullying. Anybody found bullying anyone else under the pretext of trolling them will face severe punishments and maybe held back from graduating. There have been cameras fitted all over for this very reason and that’s how we’ll be monitored.”

“Second – All pranks have to take place on school grounds. Any trolls outside will not be accepted. And the person standing last wins the Fest.”

“Third and final rule – You have got to have fun. Or else this is just a dud event. We have to make this successful, and that’s not only because the winner who isn’t trolled and has trolled others will win a cash prize of a thousand dollars!”

Tyler came back on the stage and asked us, “So, you guys are all ready for this? Can we get a loud a chorus of approval?”

As we all roared our approval, the lights on the stage went off, once again leaving us in darkness, but, this time, it was pitch black.

[A/N] – So, this is my new attempt. Let me know how this is – this is only the first half of the chapter. Depends on how this is received I’ll improve the next one. So please let me know what you think by dropping a comment or by voting. Hoping to complete this book by the end of summer. And the song on the side is Here's to never growing up by Avril Lavinge - this is the theme song of this book. If you haven't heard it, go and do it now. It's a summer anthem! :D

Dedicated to Cherriexxx - because she was the first one to actually get trolled in this Troll Fest :P

Sorry about that! But, she's awesome. :D 

Thank You. - Drop a vote or comment! :D




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