Tuesday, April Second - I'm Athletically Challenged

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Troll Fest – A Novel by thebookiee

Chapter One – I’m Athletically Challenged.

Monday, April First.

“That was totally unfair,” I complained to Nester as he stood beside my locker grinning. The now smirking idiot was a part of the whole ‘Trial Troll’ on all the unsuspecting students including me.

After the lights had gone off and we had been plunged into the darkness which reverberated with the screams of the girls who were scared, suddenly, everyone who’d been moving was drenched. And, that’s including me, since I had gotten up to check what on earth was happening in the auditorium.

How, you might ask.

Three words. ‘Motion sensored water-guns’.

Well, maybe that’s four. But, who cares. As soon we got up and moved, the Council members and a few other students who’d been included into the troll sprayed us with cold water. And, since the auditorium was air conditioned half of us nearly froze to death. I can’t imagine what happened to those cheerleaders.

And, that’s exactly why I’m standing in front of my locker pulling out my hoodie so I can at least keep the top half of my soaking wet body warm. I can’t believe they would actually make us go to our classes all soaked. But sadly, as I walked to class with Nester who may I add, is still chucking beside me I realize that this is only the beginning.

Tuesday, April Second.

The Troll Fest begins.

On Tuesday morning I wake up feeling all weird. Like there’s a sense of impending doom hanging over my head. I’m probably exaggerating. Although, today is the day the troll fest begins. And, well, after seeing the number of CCTV cameras that have been installed I’m kinda thinking this is a big deal.

I get off my bed, shower and then select my day’s outfit. It includes black skinny jeans and a simple blue tee shirt. I don’t dress fancy. It’s still high school after all. I don’t forget to take my gym bag with my PE clothes this week, since last week when I forgot those, Coach Winston nearly threw a fit. That might also be because I’m failing PE and well, I’m making no effort to improve. What can I say, I’m athletically challenged and I’m at peace with it.

As I get out of the door with a piece of toast stuffed into my mouth, very ladylike I know, I notice Nester is already waiting for me. Huh, guess the sun rose from the west today because Nester is never on time. I usually have to wait twenty minutes for him and we just make it to school on time. I guess the start of the Troll Fest is something even he doesn’t want to miss. This makes me even more apprehensive as to what fresh hell I’m going to face from today.

“Hey, Ze, do you want to be my ally in this competition? I know that Sophie and her evil minions will leave no opportunity to tear you to shreds in this fest. They’ll want to win and you’re the only thing stopping them.”

I snort derisively and reply, “First of all, allies? Do you think this is the Hunger Games or something?” And, when I say this I’m not insulting The Hunger Games, because I believe they are awesome. But, since Nester is the complete opposite of a nerd it makes me want to burst into hysterical laughter.

“And, second of all, I’m the one stopping them from winning Troll Fest? What a load of crap. Where do you get this stuff? It’s gold.” I say while wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.

“Zianna Reed, you know as well as I do who your elder brothers are.” That shuts me up effectively. “Now, do you want me to continue? Or can you comprehend what this might mean for you, yourself?”

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