Ch. 1 - Haunted Past

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"Don't you think you're overcompensating?" One girl remained in the classroom. Her features were soft, her skin was pale and freckled. She tapped her pencil against the desk. Opal eyes shimmered at him curiously as wild white hair suffocated dimpled cheeks. "You expelled the whole class." She continued.

"Probably." A young Shouta exhaled. He was only 20, it was his first year teaching and he felt he had to prove himself. "None of them were fit to be heroes. As a hero, you watch people die. Loved ones die in your arms. You have to be prepared for that. None of them were."

Memories of his best friend dying in front of him emerged despite his best effort to repress them. Her hair reminded him of Oboro. It made him sick to his stomach and he considered expelling her so many times just so he wouldn't have to look at her and see his best friend's face. But some kind of sick nostalgia forced him to torture himself and keep her around.

"You think I'm equipped for people to die in front of me?" She asked blankly.

Shouta sat back in his chair and pushed the hair out of his face. "No, nobody's ever ready for that."

"Then why expel all of them and not me?" She asked, tapping her pointed nails against her pen.

He sighed and eyed the bruise creeping out from the collar of her shirt uniform. A little galaxy that told a story he so badly wanted to know. "You're the only one that doesn't completely disappoint me."

The girl laughed lightly. "So what now Mr. Aizawa? Am I your only student for the year?" She couldn't say she minded the idea. A schoolgirl crush on her emotionally unavailable teacher who probably valued sleep more than her.

"No." He replied. "I'll go talk to Nezu about enrolling new students. You're free to go for the day."

She tensed up and gripped the sides of her desk anxiously. "I don't want to!" Her voice was urgent suddenly. With a deep breath, she calmed herself down. "I'm just so excited to learn, I'm not ready to go home today." He could tell she was lying.

Today was the fourth time he had seen bruises on her skin that resembled hands. It was only the fourth week of school. He had tried to ask her about it before but she always deflected the question or blamed it on herself being clumsy.

He had tried to speak to Nezu about it, but there was nothing they could do. He had suggested implementing a dorm system on campus, but that had been declined several times. He just wanted to make sure she was safe, something in his gut told him she wasn't, and it drove him crazy that there was nothing he could do about it.

"Alright. I'll continue the lesson for today." He told her softly.

Her name was Kitsurio Shinjo. She was a first-year at UA in the Hero Course. Her quirk was called Fireworks. Her blood is combustible. When exposed to oxygen and a bit of heat or friction, her blood explodes into glittering fireworks.

The year progressed and new students seemed to leave as quickly as they came. Aizawa had thin patience and expelled any student he didn't feel fit the requirements of a hero. Very few students made it to the next year, but Kitsurio was among those few. She was his top student. She always went above and beyond both in her work and her quirk training.

One day, near the end of the second semester, Aizawa received a call in the middle of the night. Being that he hadn't yet fallen asleep he looked at the contact name 'Kitsurio'

"Shinjo, if you're calling for help with your homework again I'm hanging up. You're only supposed to call for emergencies." He grumbled after answering. "It's 3 am. You should be asleep, there's an exam tomorrow."

"Mr. Aizawa." That was all she managed to choke out. He could hear the fear in her voice.

"What's happening, where are you?" He shoved away from the desk and started to get dressed.

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