Crush A Skull

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It was one second after another. Time is a precious thing they say. I have never felt more connected with that statement until this very period in my life. It was one second. Evan was talking to a friend, a plushy in his hand. (I don't exactly remember the order of events so ima just free hand this.) The next second. Michael and his friends approach Evan. Another second passes. Michael and his friends make fun of Evan. Another. Michael and his friends lift up Evan. Another second goes by. Michael and his friends carry Evan over to an animatronic. One more second passes. They put his head into Fredbear's mouth. One more second. Crunch. His head was all bloody. I couldn't do anything. There was nothing I could do. The events just played out before my eyes. It was second by second by second. I yelled out to Michael and his friends. I told him to stop that instant. But it was far to late. They were out of reach. They couldn't hear me. I started running towards them. But I couldn't. By the time I reached halfway there, it was too late. Far beyond the saving point. The eyes that once held happiness are drowned. It's just me, William, and Michael left. William now dislikes Michael more. Everytime he sees him he mentions to Michael how much of a monster he is. However that doesn't happen often. Michael refuses to leave his room now. I beg him to come out at mealtimes and show his face but he's afraid. (Aha buddy boy enjoy your meals you ain't gonna be able to get them later-)He broke all his mirrors. He tells me that he doesn't want to have to bear to see a monster. Of course he's upset with himself. I could be upset with him, but I won't. I don't think he could handle any more. William is insane! He laughs crazily like he just murdered someone! Maybe he is just really upset that he lost two of his kids? Surprising, he didn't care about his family since now. (Okay so like I said in my last story, William went insane even before his kids had died. He longed for immortality and wanted remnant. Often he "hid inside his walls" due to work. Only now can Mrs. Afton/ Clara see how insane he is since he is going crazier due to his own kids dying.)

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