The Fight

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❗️Warning❗️ This chapter contains mild cursing! You are free to skip it if you'd like. I'll put a summary of this chapter on the next chapter.
🛑 Warning 🛑 This chapter also contains some Willara because I love that ship. If you are uncomfortable with it you are always free to click off!
⛔️ Warning ⛔️ This chapter has Yandere William because I was bored af 😃🔫

I burst into the living room. I'm sick. Sick of William's behavior. two of his children are dead and he's just sitting on the couch doing his work. The first time he isn't working in his office located in the deep, cold basement. He doesn't allow anyone to be in there. Whenever he comes up he has a certain nasty smell. The basement probably isn't clean so it makes sense. But he smells even worse. Whatever. I decide not to think too much about it.
"William... we need to talk about something."
I try my best to sound firm, but a calm person so it came out more worried then what I intended.
"Yes darling?"
He replied back, his eyes focused on a blueprint. He wasn't even making eye contact with me.
"William don't "darling" me. You know what you've done."
At this he looks up at me. I've never been the type to get mad. He was startled. He accidentally bent the blueprint paper. The top of it read Ballora. It had a small description under it. "Ballora is a ballerina robot. She is equipped with small minireenas for dancing company that crowd around her like she is their mother. This animatronic is a gift for-" that was it. It cut off.
"What do you mean Clara?"
He asks, innocently.
"Don't play dumb William. You know what I mean."
I add trying to sound rude.
He looks at me with a serious expression now. His voice goes cold.
He says my name. I tense up a bit. I'm frightened but I try to hide it. He notices my expression and uses it to his advantage.
He takes a few steps towards me. I try to step back but my feet won't move. They feel stuck in place. He steps towards me even more. Now he's holding my waste. I blush a little bit but quickly turn away so he doesn't see it.
"William let go of me!"
I yell angrily.
His voice is still cold.
"Clara look at me."
He says sharply. I'm terrified. I turn to him. My face is just inches from his. Im burning red and I notice he is a little bit too. I face the floor. He lifts my chin up. He brushes my hair behind my ears. I'm angry with myself. Why the fuck can't I get anything done right? I'm stuck now. I try to wiggle my way out of his grip but he holds on firmly.
"Where do you think your going?"
I look him into the eyes. Their stone cold. I'm still scared. I decide it's time to be courageous.
"I'm going to leave. I'm going to get with someone who's better than you. I'm taking Michael."
I reply. I try to fight my way out of his grip. He looks a bit startled but holds on tighter and tighter. Suddenly, he smiles insanely. He laughs like a maniac and says,
"Oh Clara dear... I'll fucking murder that man! Your not leaving me! I'm not going to let you go. I will bar up this damn house if I have too. You can't leave me, love."
He's insane! And murder! My own husband is a murderer! (Okay this is the writer again and I just want to say in this story we freely provide Yandere William for all William and Willara simps! 😀👍)
He's crazy. But he still loves me. This is not the way I wanted my life to go. I still love him and I don't know why. He brings my face closer to his. I fight to move it back but I'm not strong enough. I look at him straight in the eyes. I'm blushing a lot now and I can feel it. My face burns. He notices it and brushes a cold finger against my cheek.
"William please let go of me your holding me too tight."
I say practically begging. He loosens his grip a little bit.
"William you have to stop neglecting your children and ignoring all of us! Elizabeth and Evan are dead and you don't- OUCH"
William cut me off, gripping my waste even harder than before. I look up at him.
"William please let go...your hurting me."
I say, about to burst into tears. He grips a bit harder. At this I burst into tears. I couldn't handle the pain anymore.
"Clara dear don't cry..."
He said soothingly, Shushing me. He loosens his grip and rests my head on his shoulder. I lay there for a little bit. What the fuck am I doing?! I'm supposed to be arguing with him not crying in his shoulder! That's what he wants me to do! (This is the author again! For everyone no I DO NOT think that men are stronger than women as I am not a sexist. I'm just saying that this was in a time when they believed that men were for doing the work and women were for cleaning and cooking so this was that time period when women couldn't work. So yeah. Anyway back to the story.) I slowly lift my head off his shoulder and look up at him with tears still dripping down my face. He wipes them off with his sleeve. Evidently my makeup is also dripping so William gets makeup on his sleeve but he doesn't care.
"William can you please care for us and actually spend time with us."
I try to calm down a bit after noting that yelling doesn't work. My eyes meet his. Their a dark bold blue that I could just get lost in. I shake that thought out. Now is not the time for this shit! I look down to his arm. His skin is a pale almost white color. He lifts my chin up. I look up at his eyes again. I could see a dark night sky and stars in them. I'm anxious, awaiting his reaction. He stops for a moment to think of what to reply with. Then he replies with,
"Clara. You know how busy I am."
"Well your not always busy! You can be with us for a bit!"
I shoot back. As soon as those words came out of my mouth I wished I had never spoken them. He looked at me intensely. Then he suddenly spoke again
"I love you."
A bit surprised but his statement, I decide to use it to my advantage.
"I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way. Not in this moment."
I tell him. He pulls me closer to him and my face is less than an inch from his. I feel his hot breath on my skin. My whole face is red now.
"Clara dear, you do love me. Look at how much you're blushing. I will do anything for you now. I won't let anyone stand between us. I won't hesitate to rid of them!"
He laughed with an insane smile on his face.
"Y-your crazy! G-get away from me p-please."
I manage to loosen in his grip a little more and moved my face back.
"Love, I'm not crazy, I'm insane! You know I would never hurt you."
He replied, continuing to smile crazily. Oh god oh god oh god who the fuck did I marry?
"William please-"
He puts his palm up to my mouth covering it. He strokes my head softly.
I say frantically trying to get his hand off my mouth. I somehow pry it off my mouth and say,
"William! Stop- MMMMM!"
All of a sudden he pulled my face towards me and our lips met. It wasn't the affectionate type of kiss was more like a forced one. Suddenly he softened as though it was affectionate. I struggled trying to free of his grip and run away but he just gripped my waste harder. I couldn't move. Eventually I gave up. I sunk down in his grip. I just let him kiss me until he finally finished. Suddenly he put me in a dancing pose. He grabbed my hips and leaned me back and down.
(If you don't get what I mean here's what I mean except there human-

 (If you don't get what I mean here's what I mean except there human-

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This was the first photo I found. Also it's not my picture credit goes to who took the screenshot. I don't know who did but-
Yeah basically that's what their doing rn except it's human William and human Clara. Also their facial expressions are the same as the ones in the image.) I stared wildly into his blue eyes. (I am not going to add the word Ocean Eyes for all your Billie Eilish stans or simps sorry- 😭)
"W-what are you doing...?"
I asked calmly, still blushing. He looks me in my eyes. He still hasn't let go of me. He studied my expression for a little bit.
"Clara dear I'm sorry."
He responded quietly.
"Sorry doesn't fix anything, William. You have to do to mend."
I responded back quietly.
"Clara what can I do? Huh?! I'm trying to upraise this family!"
"William if you'd care-"
"Clara I do care! Who do you think is making the money!"
At this he looked at me, astonished.
"William. Let. Me. Go."
I cut him off firmly. He looked at me bewildered. Then, finally he let go of me.
"Don't cut me off while I speak this time. William. You have to care about your family. Have you ever noticed what happened to Michael? He stays in his room! He's upset and your not making it better! Your just neglecting him even more!"
"If he hadn't killed his brother-"
"William your not even sad that Evan and Elizabeth are gone! We don't even know where Elizabeth is only Evan knew and Evans gone!"
William was speechless. Suddenly his eyes looked a little bit sad but he fixed his expression as soon as he saw me take notice.
"You know what I'm sick of you! I trusted you. When we got married I thought I was going to live a happy life. It's what you promised me, William! I thought I was going to have a good life with children that we both take care of and they life a long time!  You know what I wish I didn't marry you! I'm going to go and I'm not coming back until you figure yourself out!"
With that, I burst into tears and left. I hadn't meant what I said when I said that I wish I didn't marry him. I still love him. Ugh! Why do I still love him? He's fucking crazy! I leave out the front door and get in my car. I don't know where to go but I'll find somewhere. I still have tears in my eyes. It's rainy and there's a thunderstorm. I guess I just have to clear my head. I can't believe him! I can't believe William. I burst into even more tears. I'm barely watching the road now. I wish-

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