Chapter 1 past and present collide

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I really loved the Rebels show, there were good episodes, not so good episodes and epic episodes and I just couldn't resist a chance to think about what would happen if Ezra lost most of the Ghost's crew and this came out of it.

Let me know what you think of it, if you like it or it's a dumb idea. I promise nothing regarding a schedule for updates since I don't want to neglect my older stories but I will steadily work on the next few chapters while I can.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Kanan Jarrus, one of the only surviving Jedi in the galaxy laughed at his padawan's words. They were watching the others as Hera, Zeb, and Sabine along with a few rebel pilots were making the Ghost and a few fighters ready for the upcoming mission. It was a routine mission, something they pulled off countless times, still, Ezra couldn't help but feel this one will be different.

They were planning to go to Malachor, to find the answer to how to defeat the sith, but instead, they chose to do one more run before that, because only their crew was available at the time.

"Don't follow your instincts blindly. A Jedi must be logical, able to see the connection between events, and not jump at every shadow." Kanan tried to say with a wise sound to it, but Ezra only looked at him a bit strangely.

"What does that even mean?"

The older man simply shrugged his shoulder, giving up trying to look like a wise Jedi.

"No idea, but Master Yoda always told me that whenever I simply followed my instincts and got into trouble." he explained as they began to walk closer to their shop.

"Seems like Master Yoda was just full of wise advice." commented Ezra with a small grin.

"He was. After all, he was the Grand Master of the Jedi Order." said Kanan solemnly, lost in memories of his youth. Ezra looked away, also saddened by the mention of the old order.

"Still," said Ezra, trying to change back the subject. "I still have a bad feeling. I should go with you." he insisted, causing his master to crack a grin.

"Nothing will happen, Ezra." he stopped before him, placing his head reassuringly on his shoulders."This is just a routine mission, you are worrying for nothing. We will be back before you know it. And until then you can work on your lightsaber forms." he told him knowingly, causing Ezra to groan quietly.

"Have a little faith in us." said Hera with a small smile as she walked up to them, with Zeb and Sabine in tow.

"I don't mind. At least I'll have a little peace and quiet at last." joked Zeb as he patted Ezra's head a little roughly.

"Get off." Ezra pushed the lasat's arm away and soon the two began to mock-wrestle much to the others' amusement.

Their fun soon ended when an alarm sounded through the base, signaling the imminent launch of ships. Rex walked up to them after he talked with a few pilots.

"General Syndulla. General Jarrus." the old clone saluted them out of pure habit. "Preparations are complete. It's time to go." he reported. Kanan and Hera shared one look before turning towards the two younger members.

"Right. See you soon." said Kanan casually, before turning around and leaving for the ship, Zeb following behind. Hera hugged both of them before she left as well.

Ezra turned towards the Mandalorian artist, an eyebrow raised in question.

"How come you're also staying back?" he asked, confused. Sabine snorted in response hearing the question he didn't ask.

A rebellion RebornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora