Chapter 6 turning point

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Salutations my dear readers, Naintarlow checking in.

It took a long while and for that I sincerely apologize but here is the new chapter. Unfortunately with my other projects, life and work, my update schedule is gonna be hectic for a long while.

To be honest this chapter was especially hard to write and in the end I'm still a hundred percent happy with it but that's how it came out. While this constant switching between the two timelines was fun, I think I'm gonna retire this for a while. Next chapter will concentrate entirely on Malachor, and we will see a few more divergences from canon.

Until then enjoy and review. I always appreciate the feedback.

"Looks like our pickup has arrived at the rendezvous already," Aleena remarked as they exited hyperspace, correcting their course toward the ship waiting for them.

Ezra who sat next to her in the copilot's chair had to fight down the nostalgia as he watched the hammerhead cruiser and the few Y-wings that were its escort. He had no idea if it was one of the cruisers the Ghost helped liberate with the help of Princess Leia, though from all the coincidences and reminders he encountered the last few days, he wouldn't bet against it.

"Unidentified ship, this is Maverick Squadron of the Rebel Alliance. State your business." came from the comms, from an unfamiliar male voice as the fighter subtly turned toward them, to respond if it turned out to be an attack.

"Hope Rex's codes work or it will be another crazy adventure to brag about at the Cantina." he laughed, trying to lessen the tension both of them could clearly feel.

"It's only you who brags, especially when it's me getting your ass out of trouble." she snarked right back, a smile on her face.

"Someone has to since you refuse to leave that ship of yours. One might say you are married to it, the way you never let it out of your sight." Ezra said, leaning back in his chair, he wasn't that worried about the codes. As much as he tried not to reach out to the Force, it was hard to ignore it, especially with the kid in the back of the ship making him painfully aware of the training he never really finished.

If they were about to be in trouble he would have sensed it, no matter his willingness.

"This is the Silent Grace, a neutral smuggling vessel. We are carrying a Rebel officer, Captain Rex of Phoenix Squadron, and what remained of his squad after picking them up in Nar Shaddaa. Standing by." Aleena spoke after the codes were transmitted and they weren't blown to smithereens, not that they could get through the Grace's shields that easily.

It never hurt to be prepared for a run for their lives.

After a moment the comms cracked, this time an older, more calm, and disciplined voice speaking up.

"This is Commander Harrison of Maverick Squadron. The codes check out, follow the directed flight path and prepare to dock into cruiser Monsoon. Do not deviate from the course and do not power up your weapons or we will open fire without question. A squad will meet you at the airlock." he spoke in a way that brokered no argument.

Two of the Y-wings took up positions next to the ship to escort them, as data was sent into the Grace's computers, Aleena softly steering the ship to the correct course.

"See? I told you, nothing will go wrong." Ezra said with a grin, carelessly crossing his arms behind his head. "Not everyone is out to get us, you know." his partner's response was to send a disbelieving look to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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