Chapter 5 End of the beginning, beginning of the end

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Hello my dear readers, Nain Tarlow checking in.

Finally, the prologue part of the story is practically over, it turned out much longer than I thought. The heist coming to the end, and the story begins for real.

As usual, any feedback is appreciated, and thank you for sticking with this story.


"Will you get up from your comfy seat before the stormtroopers get here?" Ezra asked with a shit-eating grin as he stared down at the old clone."Because I'm good, but eventually my distractions will run out and the Imperial will be clued into my plan."

From behind him, the sound of the explosives he hid in that elevator died down, alarms still blared and he could faintly hear the sounds of blasters, probably the liberated prisoners began to fight for their freedom. Right on schedule. Mostly.

"Only you." Rex laughed as he finally snapped out of his stupor and accepted the hand Ezra was giving him, the other rebels, four of them exactly following a bit unsure, especially eying Zane in stormtrooper armor with suspicion.

The two old friends, comrades, once mentor and student in a time that sometimes seemed lifetimes ago met each other with a strong hug, so many unspoken feelings and thoughts passing between them in that short moment.

"Well I didn't have much hope in the rebellion sending a rescue team for us, but not even in my wildest dreams had I thought that you would turn up." Rex said as he released Ezra and looked him over with that critical and judging eye that all older people seemed to possess."You look well. A little scrawny but still in good health. You have been taking care of yourself." there was obvious relief in his voice, but Ezra chose not to address it.

In response, he only rolled his eyes even as he grinned at Rex and handed him the blaster he took from one of the stormtroopers, before pulling out his own pistol, that like with the explosives he managed to sneak in.

"Captain?" one of the rebels, a tall teen around Ezra's age, with short black hair and tan skin tone spoke up as he cautiously stepped out of their cell, looking around, expecting stormtroopers to pop around any moment.

The former rebel regarded him, assessing him to decide if he could be a threat instead of a rescue. He looked like he could hold his own in a fight but he was scrawny and the way his eyes roamed enough, he thought he would be a pilot rather than a soldier, more comfortable behind a cockpit. Despite that, he looked the most confident of the group stuck with Rex, and Ezra saw a familiar shine of defiance as the teen looked at him in kind.

"Can we trust" he trailed off as he observed his attire, his skepticism rising at the hangover appearance of this.

They needed to sell the whole drunken brawl thing and what better way than make it real? Of course, his aching head would have liked to disagree but it was something he was able to cope with. After that run through an Imperial blockade, while he was drunk off his ass, very few things could phase him.

"What? Having doubts about good old Dev Morgan?" he addressed the kid because, despite their similar ages, he did feel more like a kid than Ezra felt in years. He also mentioned his name, so Rex could know he was using this specific alias. "You should never look down on someone lending you a helping hand, especially when you have so few options as you do. Or didn't they teach you that at the Academy?"

The panicked look he sent him as well as the tensing of his posture told him he hit the bullseye with his guess, which only made his smirk even larger.

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