Sneak peak of Rewrite

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Alright. So this is not the actual Rewritten part of the story, I will be rewriting it in full in a different book but just to hopefully hype you guys up and maybe get you all interested in what is to come, I encourage you to take a quick read over the first section of the first chapter before reading this. It's a little preview of what is to come with the type of upgrade I've gotten to. I do believe I have greatly improved in my writing compared to when I started writing this. Anyway. Without further Adue.


A young girl lays in her bed sleeping soundly. Brown hair gently flows over her pillow like water over a steep river bank. Her chest rises and falls in slow and calm motion. That is until her dreams begin to sour. She begins to shift under the midnight blue covers as she breaks into a cold sweat, a look of destress setting onto her face.

As the young girl frantically tries to break away from her nightmare, a pair of golden silver eyes watch her from the shadows. A sharp jagged set of white teeth seem to glow in the darkness of the room, set in a wide wicked smile. An even darker figure hid in these shadows as its eyes watched in triumph and delight at the girlie cries of fear.

Soon her cries were heard through the home as she continued to try and wake. The girls parents burst into her room and pull her up. The mother wraps her arms around the girl and begins to rock back and fourth hushing the child. The father sat next to the two and joined the mother adding to the hushes "it was just a bad dream. It's okay. We're here." The two repeated these few words a couple times as they calmed the crying child.

By this point, the figure had stepped back into the shadows, seeping into the darkness, disappearing as quickly as it came. However; its presence did not go unnoticed. As a younger woman entered the room she caught a glimpse of the golden glowing eyes in the corner before they vanished.


And that's it for now. What do you guys think?

I hope you're excited. I know I am looking forward to writing this. I think I'll write at least 5 chapters before I start to release them just in case something happens and I end up not working on them for a while.

Anyway. Hope you guys are doing well. Thank you for taking time to read this, and have a wonderful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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