The Boogeyman Kidnapped Me

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"So you're the one who has been draining all my powers." I hear a soft male British voice enter my room and I look to see who it was, scared that a stranger broke into the house. I see a tall man with pale skin. He had black hair that was slicked back and eyes that were glowing gold. He was wearing a long robe that trailed behind him slightly. 

"MOM!!!!!! DAD!!!!" I scream waking my sister. My parents come running into the room as my sister an I stair at the strange man smiling in the doorway. When they come through the door way they ran through the man. 

"What?! What is it (Y/N)?!" I look behind them realizing that they can't see him. I think quick for something to say. 

"Uh... T-there was a man... he ran down the hallway." I sighed. I could hear the man laugh at my remark and I make a mental sneer at him. 

"I'll take a look." My dad said getting up and looking around the house. "Did he hurt you?" Mother asked. 

"No." I said , holding Adaline close to me when I heard the man talk. 

"Not for long little angel." He snickered. 

"Okay." My mom sighed, hugging us and then kissing our foreheads before leaving. "I love you sweaty. You too sugar plum." she said to me first then Adaline. 

"Love you too mom." I said watching her leave, turning off the lights. I then turn my attention to the man standing in the doorway. Adaline hid her face in my chest. "Who are you?" I ask. The man snickers. 

"Do you not recognize the man that fits in all your childhood nighmares?" he asks, smiling and walking closer. 

"H-He's... The boogeyman." Adaline said into my chest. My eyes open wildly. The man laughed and that black horse came out from behind him charging at us. I push Adaline off the bed and get engulfed by the sand. I try to scream for help, but before I realize it, I'm in a stony room, standing next to golden globe. 

"Where am I?"

{Adaline's POV}

My sister pushed me off of the bed as I heard the boogeyman laugh. He didn't see me on the other side of the bed. When he left, I ran to mom and dads room. "MOMMY!!!!!! DADDY!!!!!!" I scream. They jumped out of bed at the sound of my screaming. 

"Adaline?! This is the third time tonight. Where is (Y/N)?" They asked obviously getting annoyed.

"She... she's gone!" I cry. 

"What?!" dad got up and ran to my room. Mom took me in her arms and carried me to my room 

"Adaline? What happened?" Mom asked. 

"The man. He took her!"  Tears started to stream down my cheeks. After checking the entire house, daddy came back in a angered panic. 

"Where is she?! What happened  Adaline?" He asked taking my shoulders. 

"The man! It was the man! He took her!" I cried. 

"Where did he take her Adaline?" 

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I cried. 


(A/N): Hayya everyone. I would love it if you all gave me some inspiration and or request to what happens in the next chapter. Just a little writer reader interaction. You will get to choose the fate of what happens. Now not everyone will get their ideas in this story but i will always be thankful for your ideas. (No lemons) 

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