Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, back at the von Trapp house, Georg woke up. As soon as he did, he had a horrible feeling that something wasn't right. He checked the time: 12:36am. He then looked beside him and saw that Maria wasn't next to him. "No, that can't be right" he thought to himself. It wasn't like to Maria to be out of bed in the middle of the night. Plus, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

He got out of bed, went over to the bathroom door and knocked on it. Maybe she was in there? But there was no response. He knocked again. "Maria, are you in there?" He asked. There was still no response. So he opened the door and turned on the light. The room was empty. He turned the light off and shut the door.

Then he went over to the balcony. Maybe she she went out for the some air? But he couldn't see her. He put on some shoes and a coat, before going outside to have a look. He looked out by the lake, by the bench, in the Gazebo and all around the garden. Maria was no where to be seen. Georg sighed with frustration and went back inside.

While all this was going on, Frau Schmidt woke up and got out of bed. She too couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. But she couldn't quite figure out what it was. She tried to ignore it but it was no use. So she went out into the living to see Georg on the sofa. He leg moving up and down rapidly, as if he was anxious.

"Captain, why are you up at this time of night?" She asked. "I'm worried. I've got this horrible feeling that something's wrong" said Georg. "So have I. That's why I got up. What could it be?" Said Frau Schmidt. "You haven't seen Maria, have you?" Said Georg. "No. I've just left my bed. Why?" Said Frau Schmidt.

"I woke up and she wasn't there. It's not like her" said Georg. "Have you looked for her?" Asked Frau Schmidt. "Just outside but she wasn't there" said Georg. "I have an idea. You check all of upstairs and I check all of down here" said Frau Schmidt. "Good idea" said Georg. With that, they searched.

About half an hour, Georg and Frau Schmidt returned to the living room. "She's not upstairs. I've looked everywhere" said Georg. "So did I and she's not down here. When did you last see her?" Said Frau Schmidt. "In our bedroom just before we went to sleep. When did you last see her?" Said Georg. "Around midnight. There was someone on the phone for her. They said it was urgent" said Frau Schmidt. "Did she tell you anything before she left?" Asked Georg.

"No, just before she answered the phone she told me I could go back to bed so I did" said Frau Schmidt. "Was she expecting a phone call?" Asked Georg. "No, I don't think so. Do you think something's wrong?" Said Frau Schmidt. "I don't know" said Georg. "The only question is, where is my wife?"

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