Chapter 4

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"Captain, you should get some sleep. You've been awake for hours. It's now light outside" said Frau Schmidt, back at the von Trapp household. "No, something's wrong. I can feel it. It's not like Maria to go wondering off in the middle of the night" said Georg. "In that case, I'm going to make some coffee" said Frau Schmidt. She left the room and came back a few minutes later with a mug which she handed to Georg.

"Thank you. What are we going to do?" Said Georg. "Try not to worry, Captain" said Frau Schmidt. "Frau Schmidt, she's 9 months pregnant. She could go into labour any day now and we have absolutely no idea where she is" said Georg. "Do you have any idea where she could've gone?" "No, nothing" said Frau Schmidt. "No mention of any relatives?" Asked Georg. "Captain, with all due respect, I know as much as you do" said Frau Schmidt.

Georg sighed and stood up. He went and put his coat. "What are you doing?" Asked Frau Schmidt. "I'm going to the Abbey, up to the hills, down to the market. Anywhere and everywhere she could've possibly went. If I don't find her and if she's not here by the time I get back. Then we call the police. Say nothing to the children. I'll be home soon" said Georg.  Frau Schmidt nodded her head as he left.

Georg went straight to the Abbey as fast as he could. As soon as he got there, he rang the bell several times. Sister Margaretta came to the gate. "Captain von Trapp?" She said. "Sister Margaretta, is Maria here?" Asked Georg. "Maria? No, not that I know of. If everything all right?" Said Sister Margaretta. "No, everything's not all right" said Georg.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sister Margaretta. "Maria went out in the middle of the night last night and she hasn't come home" said Georg. "Ah. I wouldn't worry, Captain. Maria was always doing that while she was here" said Sister Berthe, walking over to the gate. "Sister Berthe, please" muttered Sister Margaretta.

"Well she hasn't done anything like this while she's been with me" said Georg. "Also I am worried. We have a baby on the way which could arrive any day now. And the fact that she had a phone call late last night and now she's gone worries me. But thank you for your help. I won't trouble you anymore" said Georg and left.

"Captain, I will tell the Reverend Mother. We'll search the Abbey. We'll help you" Sister Margaretta called. "We don't need to help. This is what Maria does. Why do you think the Reverend Mother sent her to the von Trapps in the first place?" Said Sister Berthe.

"Stop it, Sister Berthe. She may have went out from time to time while she was with us but she returned. She always returned. But now that she hasn't while she's with child is worrying. She could be in serious danger. She may need us. Help or don't help. I really couldn't care less" said Sister Margaretta and went to alert the Mother Abbess.

Meanwhile, back in John's basement, Maria was in so much pain she could barely move. She looked down and saw blood slowly trickling down the floor. She almost slamed her head back down the floor as she cried. She looked over and noticed a telephone on the other side of the room. She slowly walked over to the phone and dialed a number.

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