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2 months later.........

Namit, Sarah and Alex became best friends while Daniel was not hanging out with them. Namit and Sarah would often visit at each other's house. When Sarah first visited Namit, Loren was not leaving them alone for even one second which made Namit embarrassed in front of Sarah. At present, they were in an open field sitting under a tree.

" So Sarah, what you want to become in future?" Namit asked.

" I want to become a Pokemon doctor" Sarah said.

" That's nice. You will become a great doctor" Namit said as he got up.

" Let's go. We are getting late" Namit said to Sarah.

He helped her to stand up. They started walking towards the main road.

Somewhere in the field....

" They are moving" said a boy in a walkie talkie.

" Okay. You reach Goldenrod galleria. We will take her" said a man from the other side of walkie talkie.

" Okay" the boy said.

With Namit and Sarah..........

Namit and Sarah were walking when suddenly, a black coloured car came in the field at a high speed towards them. Namit saw the car coming towards them.

" SARAH! WATCH OUT!" Namit yelled as he jumped towards Sarah.

He pushed Sarah on the ground a s he fell beside her and dodged the car. The car stopped and from it, two men came out. They were wearing a red coloured suit with fire symbol on it. They went towards Sarah and picked her up and started walking towards their car.

" Hey wait! Where are you taking her?!" Namit yelled as he stood up and ran towards the men.

One man turned around towards Namit. Namit formed a punch and charged it towards the man. That man stopped the punch and then kicked Namit on his stomach very hard causing him to fall back. That man got inside the car and started the car. Namit looked around and saw his bicycle parked in front of gate. He went towards his cycle and chased the car where it was going.

After few hours...............

After chasing the car for 3 hours, the car stopped in front of Goldenrod galleria. The two men came out of the car with Sarah who was trying to escape from their grip. Namit reached there and he jumped from the cycle. He sneaked inside the galleria without being noticed. He saw the men taking Sarah in the elevator to the terrace. Namit went towards the stairs and began climbing them at a full speed.

With Sarah......

The men and Sarah reached the terrace. The went and stood in the centre of terrace.

( DISCONTINUED ) War In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now