it happens again

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Well it happened  again he is shuting me out so I decided  ima go over and see why he is doing it I walk out passed oscar and the other gang members and grab a bat that was on the yard and start walking oscar and sad eyes follow me oscar grabs my arm when he gets close enough and swings me around I look at him with a straight face and se asks"why do you have a bat and where the hell do you think hour going"i look at him then to sad eyes and smirk then I say "im about to beat a bitch up " then I turn around with them still following and I then see sapo with some nasty ass bitch I run over dropping the bat and grab her hair and bear her ass after a couple hits I feel someone trying to pull me off then when they do i push them off and i turn around because  the other girl ran off and i seen sapo i look him in his eyes and smack him hard while yelling "vete a la mierda gilipollas te amaba pero sigues jugando conmigo" I stared to cry and he just keeps trying to pull me closer  oscar comes over and grabs me and looks at sapo and says "you fucked up" and walks off with me in his arms and sad eyes behind us when we got home the rest of the gang members stand up when they seen me in Oscar's arms with tear stains Cesar  comes  out from the house and when he sees me he runs over and grabs me after that he brings me inside and I cry myself to sleep

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