david dobrik

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So me,ceasar,oscar,and sad eyes were all in sad eyes car because oscar wanted to fix up his car a bit so we were just driving when i seen david dobrik and started to freak out and all of the people in the car looked at me weird  i didn't care i seen david FREAKEN dobrik i guess david notice the car and waved i the yelled stop the fucking car he did and david came over while i was fan girling he was saying he wanted to know if he can get a funny bit for his vlog and i came up front and looked at oscar and sad eyes with puppy eyes and they couldn't resist and i was like yay but oscar wanted out and took me with him and the bit went like this

After they drove away i was dying of laughter and some of davids friends were still laughing and they came back and i started to talk with david,Erin,carly,and jeff we were having a gread conversation when my brother said vamos mi princesa and i said ok well bye guys but before i left they asked who everyone was and i was like my name is ivanna and im 15 and thats my twin bro ceasar  thats oscar or spooky my other brother he's 24 and thats sad eyes he's 23 they were like well have a good day and oscar was like ok fool and i smacked his arm hard he was rubbing his arm after and said el infierno and i said cállete perra get in the car and he looked at me i looked at him and started to walk towards he then started muttering cuss words and i was walking behind him saying that's what i thought and then he turned around running at me and through me over his shoulder and started to run over to the car was yelling put me down perra and then started to laugh and then he through me in the car i was laughing and ceasar was laughing too and then we waved bye too the vlog squad and went home

ceasar & spooky's sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora