some one trys hitting on you

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I was outside with oscar and these guys came over and oscar jumped up to talk to them they were talking about something with Jefferson or something they looked over at me and before walking away these 3 other guys came over and said i have a song for you and i was feeling weird like awkward so i was like ok and mind you oscar and the 3 guys are now looking over and so they start there music

It was so awkward and i was kinda mad they think they can just get in my pant that quick so i looked over at the 3 people standing with oscar and walked over and said can i barrow your bat and they gave me the bat and  i walked over to the people who made  me mad and they started to back up and grabbed there stereo they used for the music and started to bash the hell out of it making sure not to miss a piece and smiled at them then walked over to oscar and the 3 men hannded over the bat and watched the 3 people that made me feel awkward run away and smiled and said thanks for the bat and walked over to were i was sitting on the couch and went on my phone till they were done when they were i smiled at them and looked one of them in the eyes

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