please stop

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I wake up the next day in my bed and went to get breakfast I didn't care that I was still in my pajamas I walked out front no one was up and I just stared walking not knowing where to go I was just letting my body move soon I made it to a corner store and walked in there was a man behind the counter and he was just staring I grabbed what I wanted and went to check out and I was walking out when he decided to say nice ass Mama's I looked back and said nice face prick and walked out and I was just back to letting my body walk and I ended up at the park and not knowing why I just sat down I looked at the sky and I just started to cry soon I heard footsteps and got up and looked to see who it was when I seen who it was I sat back down and the person sat next to me I looked up at him,him already looking at me and I said why are you here and what do you said I feel bad for what I did and I'm honestly so fucking sorry you didn't deserve it you deserve so much better and I can't see my life without you I'm such a fuck up and I'm sorry. He was crying at this point and I decided to say ya you should feel sorry because I felt like shit and I feel like you are just gonna keep doing it and I can't keep forgiving and forgetting because that just not me I can't do that shit but if you are apologizing and swear on everything you ever love that you won't do it then I will forgive but for now I need time and you need time also to think about what you did and when you know then come find me mad tell me but for now I'm not gonna forgive you I'll see you around.i grabbed my phone and seen that I had 6 calls from ceacer and 9 from Oscar and I just turned my phone off and started to walk home when I got home the boys were pacing the front yard when they heard footsteps they looked over and ran up to me Oscar picking me up and bringing me inside and sitting me on the couch and asking me where I was I just sat there looking at them emotionless ceacer looked down at me and made eye contact with me and I cracked and started to cry hard and grabbed Oscar and ceacer both holding on for dear life Oscar said que paso princesa I decided to tell them what happened and at first they looked pissed that he showed up but we're proud I didn't just take him back and then Oscar told ceacer to go back to sleep while he should take care of me he took to my room and sat me on my bed and was Turing on the laptop I have and climbed into bed with me and we watched criminal minds till we fell asleep

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