6 | Pampering

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Many of you asked for more Oneshots, so here is one for you all. 

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"Hey!" Her husband greeted half heartedly walking past her. She frowned shutting the door. Off late Sidharth came back very tired from office. Sheenaaz knew handling a construction firm that at any point of time had at least fifteen to twenty active projects could be very stressful. But off late, Sidharth's exhausted returns from office and working weekends had started worrying her.

"Tiring day?" She asked handing him a glass full of water, sitting beside him.

"Very," he answered gratefully taking the glass.

She watched him as he drank from the glass, as always, lost thinking about something.

She held his hand waiting for him to look at her. He looked around, "where is Tanisha?"

"In her room, her friend Prakriti is over."

"Oh," he nodded.

"Sid, is everything okay?"

"Yeah," he answered.

Shehnaaz took a deep breath and tugged at his hand. He finally turned to meet her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He smiled a little taking her hand to his lips. "Everything's okay, jaan!"

"Okay, so what about work? Too much load?"

"Yeah, but..it's, you know," he shrugged.

"Sid, more words! Are you worried about anything? You don't even talk to me properly these days. It's like your mind is twenty four seven occupied with your work."

Sidharth's gaze fixated on his wife. She was right. He just couldn't stop thinking about work. Months back he was elated to have multiple new projects on his plate. But when things actually started progressing, he realized there was so much to take care of, so much to review and so much to keep hawk's eye on.

In all the work demands, he had completely forgotten to pay attention to his wife and kid. At least he tried being around Tanisha, be it dropping her till the apartment gate in the morning or having a night time chat with her before she went to bed.

"I am sorry, Naaz, It's just that... work is super hectic." He said, his hand reaching out to cradle her face.

 Shehnaaz smiled and leaned sideways onto his shoulder. "I hope you are taking care of yourself."

"You are here for that, aren't you?" He smiled resting his cheek against her hair.

Shehnaaz chuckled, "I can't sit in your mind and keep away the stress, can I now?"

"Well," he said thoughtfully, "once upon a time you did that."

"Huh?" She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, there was a time I couldn't get you out of my head. So obviously there was no place for anything here!" He said pointing to his forehead.

"Aah,"  Shehnaaz smiled flattered. "Oh, so I simply need a way back into that head of yours."

"Easier said than done," he said. "By the way, any plans for dinner? I am super hungry!"

Shehnaaz chuckled getting off the sofa, she quickly placed a kiss on his forehead, "give me ten minutes, go freshen up in the meanwhile."

* * *

"Want to go out for a stroll?"  Shehnaaz asked leaning sideways, against the doorframe with her arms folded. Their daughter was fast asleep and he was back to being the busy man reading files.

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