We're back and we're here to stay

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The group sat down at the table in the middle of the cafeteria, usually claimed by Lila.

They watched as the rest of the school filed in, sitting at their usual tables, minus Lila and her gang of sheep, who were forced to sit at Marinette's old table, the one in the back by the trash cans, the table that the janitors almost always 'forgot' to clean.

Marinette smirked, seeing Lila and Alya's looks of disgust and Adrien's pointed look at her, trying to guilt her into letting up.

She turned away from them, face molding into her 'Let's do business' face. Marinette nodded to Sabrina, who then posted the video her court had spent working on all class on the school's website.

They started their lunch as they heard the notifications go off on everyone's phones. They internally smirked as they heard the gasps, the quiet 'no way!'s.

Jean stood and ran from the cafeteria, tears falling to the ground as he ran.

This action made them all frown. While it had to be done, they all hated making examples of people, feeling that it showed they were immoral. They all felt pity for the boy, but if they were being honest, it was all his fault anyway. He was the one who subtly bullied the other aspiring magicians into quitting. He was the one who forged a video of his magic tricks. He was the one who wormed his way into Université des magiciens. The only thing Marinette and her court did was show it to everyone.

Thank Kwami for Nathaniel and his amazing hacking skills. Hacking into the school's security cameras, which the school rarely even checked, was easier than he had thought. He'd done it during class, for Kwami's sake, without getting caught, and still got all his notes taken.

The school really needed to upgrade its security measures and passwords.

As people watched the video end, they saw who it was posted by, and the warning at the end of the video.

We're watching. We're listening. We're back. Don't underestimate us. We will destroy you. Bullies take cover. Teachers, be on your best behavior. The Queen's Reign is back, and we're here to stay.

The school glanced over at the group, who, to the untrained eye, were continuing their meal without giving their surroundings a second thought.

They truly were feeling partly guilty, because that video was sure to be sent to Université des magiciens, and he was sure to lose his scholarship for it. But then they remembered how he bullied others into quitting, and suddenly, that guilt they felt flew out the window.

Marinette stood once the majority of the school had seen the video.

"We warned you. Do not mess with The Queen, nor her court, or you will be dragged down from whatever spot you have and thrown into the trash. This is your final warning.

"Tomorrow, if you support us, wear a white sweater. Don't have one? Buy one. Those with one will get a charm if you are deemed worthy. That charm will guarantee your safety. If you take the charm off, even for one day, you will be labeled as a traitor and taken down immediately." Marinette finished, sitting down.

Conversations were slow to start, and very few looked away from the group, much to Marc and Nathaniel's horror.

The rest of the day went fairly slow, with people staying away from the group.

At some point, they were approached by Jean's ex-targets, who thanked them repeatedly, before pledging their loyalty, and complimenting their clothes before hurrying off to class.

That night, Marinette would wonder how many students would show up with a white sweater, how many of her own class would.

She doubted any would, minus her court.

Marinette searched her closet, and with the help of Tikki, found the giant bag full of small violet charms.

She smiled, remembering all the times she had handed these out to her followers and their smiles as they looked down proudly, happy to be a loyal follower of the Queen, a Queen who loved all her subjects dearly and vowed to protect them with her life.

All memories she held close to her heart and was excited to relive those memories the next day.

That night, when she went to bed, she dreamed of the old days, when she and her court were widely known throughout Paris, and dreamed of the future, when they knew she was back to stay. 

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