3- When Evening Dawns (Mario & Cappy and Luigi & Tiara) (Ft. Peach)

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The sun was setting, and the Mario Bros and the Bonneter siblings watched it on on the top of the Odyssey until it was almost half past the line that marked the border between the sky and the ground. At that point, they headed into Mario's house as it was one place Cappy and Tiara had not been in- let alone seen before.

Inside, Mario's house seemed smaller and much more cramped than Luigi's, though the sentient top-hat was fascinated by some items he found that were green and had the letter "L" on them, implying that Luigi had lived with Mario for some time before moving away. As he examined one of these, he overheard Mario and Luigi engaging in a conversation at the kitchen:
"So bro," Mario started, "how's-a things in-a Boos-a Woods?"
"Well, not as-a scary, actually," Luigi replied, "I'mma getting more and-a more used to the ghosts around-a me, and I was-a kinda comfortable living with-a them since-a several years ago."

Hearing this, the Bonneter wondered how the two just all of a sudden separated at such a late age and if they ever meet each hang out nowadays- assumably as often as before, that is. Before he was able to piece some things together, the conversation continued, though not in a way that'd help him understand, "So-a, who wants-a to make-a spaghetti? I do!"
"A-you? This-a late..?" Luigi questioned.
"I can-a handle-a this, bro," Mario reassured his younger twin, "I'mma able to stay up-a la-"

As soon as he said this, he hit the floor, passed out. Luigi glanced at their guests, embarrassed that his brother had fallen asleep in front of them.
"S-sorry," he once again apologized, "He's-a like this a lot-a. It's about-a time he gets-a some rest."
"Ah," Cappy replied, "that's... that's alright."

As Luigi carried his brother to his bed, he goes back to the kitchen and makes spaghetti for the group instead. He prepared the first bowl for Mario, wrapped the top with some foil, and then went into his bedroom to place it on his nightstand so Mario can eat it sometime later. As the rest of the gang's dinner was served, Cappy asked Luigi, "Hey, so um... you... have your own house? I thought you lived with Mario this whole time."

"Well," Luigi explained, "I do-a have a house. Not-a big enough to be called a MANSION, but-a... some would-a call it-a that anyway. I'mma kinda surprised that-a Mario hasn't-a given away the stuff I left-a when I moved away, though I don't-a blame him; we've-a been living here together for-a years and he didn't agree with us-a living separately. Maybe because it didn't-a feel natural to him."

"And he..." the curious Bonneter started, "I thought he..."
"He cares a lot for-a me, I guess," Luigi continued, cutting him off, "And-a Peach... and-a the toads... a-Bowser Jr.? Well, that's-a still debatable, he once-a told me he worked together-a with him to save-a Bowser of all-a people... but he just gets-a more and-a more-a tired... I'mma worried for-a his health... all these adventures-a seem to tire him out a lot."

Taking a bite out of a meatball and then swallowing, he then tried to change the subject in order to entertain the guests instead of worrying them more, saying that Goob, a ghost who came from a haunted hotel he's been in, lives with Luigi due to them being scared of a rumor about King Boo still out there (obviously, if you've played LM3, you'll know that that's not true, but of course, he couldn't force them out of his house, so... yeah they live with him now), and even describes what it's like in his home and how he lives with his ghostly friends.

Of course, while he was talking, the Bonneters were slurping down spaghetti noodles (how they can do that when their mouths are most likely underneath their hats, we'll never know) while listening to what he said, Tiara simply because she's being entertained by his stories and Cappy because he wasn't just interested; he needed more answers to get to know the brothers more. Maybe Tiara could be right. Maybe getting to know others is fun, even if it's just a simple table talk.

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