6.1.1 Retaliating the vows of Unrequited Love

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When one has an urge to say something but wouldn't quite know 'what' & 'how' .. it is better to let it remain unsaid."

Neena Verma


Where is the wind that promised the mist of calm,

I feel scorches of burns awaking again;

Where is the pond of memories which promised me the illusions of joy,

Now, I feel alone in the desert of reality,

Can time take mercy upon me,

Can I be blessed again and feel the touch of life, even for a mere moment!

Looking behind, I often realized, what seems to be so tough and difficult to face, I did tackle it well; if not easy, all problems somewhat had been manageable, some weren't, and I got help, easily, sometimes with a little push; eventually, situations or people were managed. With my little experience in life, I can say, whatever comes your way, may look huge like an never ending puzzle and hustle has a reason and surely has a solution, which you can find by taking courage and not dragging yourself away in fear and anxiety. If not today, it'll end tomorrow, if not tomorrow maybe any other day, but of you won't try, it might stand right beside you, holding you back from progress.

"You're lost again." I turn at the statement from my brother, driving in the road cutting through the mighty woods, his stance is at ease, sure he has his experience speaking.

Focusing on his words, I smile before glancing back at the passing trees shimmering under the golden light and blue sky, "Am I?"

Jerry sighs instead, "Niera, I hope you remember what I've said earlier, you aren't alone, you can always share your worries."

My smile falters, I nod, "I remember Jerry. There is nothing to worry. I was just admiring the view."

"Like always?"

I grin, "One can't get enough of it."

For my lame response he remains quiet, driving swiftly through the concrete toughing the greens of Forest.

For a moment I debated, last night and Tiara's words still ringing in my mind, her mood was same jovial in morning, leaping and weeping when she saw me getting ready, and only calmed when I promised to be back with Daada in evening; not a single glimpse of what had happened at night was lurking in her features, perhaps, she had vented out her anger and disappointment, perhaps there was another reason.

"Is something wrong on my face?" Jerry's fidgeting breaks my trance, I purse my lips thin, realizing I'd been staring at his face.

I face palm, shaking my head, "Jerry, I was wondering, is it a good idea; coming back and joining A V Inc.?"

My brother regards my anxiety, he can see right through my calm façade, and smiles, "When did you start calculating your moves Niera...?"

His gaze concentrates on the road, "However, no one can tell you that, the future is determined by your present, and you're here already, and on the way to reach A V Inc.." he smiles, softly bowing at the mention.

I wish I could tell, what seems right and valid, now looks utterly wrong stupid!

I close my eyes, Tiara's words and Gideon distant eyes on our encounter pierce my heart, "You're worried over Tiara's words."

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