6.1.2 Retaliating the vows of Unrequited Love

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He raises his brow in sheer intrigue, and I let a resigned sigh slip, "Yes, this time. It's personal, I've...no official work this time."

I draw a plastic smile, which the shrewd gaze caught and deciphered.

"I'm glad you're back."

Silence starts to settle before I crush it, "You still haven't answered me, Sir."

I leap forward, "How were you so sure of my returning?"

The golden settings suddenly turn golden fury of flames for me as I wait.

"Cutting ties isn't easy. Hardest, when one is deeply involved." He mumbles, like asking me to understand in few words rather than explaining the dense philosophy for my query. I stick to being quiet, not accepting his word web.

"But they must be cut, one has to; some ties are meant to be broken and burnt." Ashes of which must be carried in heart forever.

Crossing his one knee on another, he regards me, "But you couldn't."

His words stunk, like thousands of needles as I nod slowly looking down.

"Why I couldn't?"

The turmoil of mine lingers in the depth of my eyes, and he honors me with smile in silence.

"Why? I was sent to a place where I wasn't supposed to enter, I faced the darkest and most forbidden mysteries and secrets yet I...every peril, just touched me and—"

Shooting up on feet, I cross the distance of a center table between us which seems like miles of desert in the crucial moment of our conversation, "What's my vocation, Sir Gerard?"

He frowns, but it shoots off in micro second, "Do you believe in fate?"

I can't even nod.

Sir Gerard draws his attention towards crystal artifact resting in the corner, "Fate is something above our comprehension level, while we believe our perception and decisions are correct, fate prepares us for better."

He gets on his feet as well, asserting me in his calm gaze, "I believe you've to wait, until fate allows you to know and unveil your destiny."

"Do you know, what is my destiny?"

Despite the heaviness in the air and stiffness in my back, he smiles, "Perhaps, if look closely, all answers are yours to know."


The commotion of the room breaks the thread of my words, I snap my gaze, knowing perhaps, the shrewd Guardian already knows about the intruder. The force of air suddenly changes, from the mild aura of power, an intense gust of command hits me. I blink through it and a known sigh of relief passes my lips; it's him.

Sir Gerard, from my peripheral view bows as I watch him taking confident strides towards us.


My name, never sound so complete before.

Is love this powerful, that it can make simple sound so special?

A small movement on his face gains back my thoughts, I blink twice, "Gideon...I've been—"

"Let's talk in my cabin, come!" he cuts me off before coming closer, he brings forward his hand.

I look up at his casual stance, his warm blazed brown orbs, Miracle!

The realization itself ease me up and I place my palm over his; casting a glance at Sir Gerard how seems satisfied being a non-active audience.

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