3.2 A Night of Miracles

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A very happy Navratri and Dussehra to you all! 

May Goddess Shakti brings us all; the courage, strength and will to overcome all the hurdles and Hardships in life. 

I wish Matarani bless us all with her love and blessings!

Jai Mata Di! 

This is the first time in my Writing Years, I'm updating in Navratri; I used to give a break to it during Matarani's days; but this time, it's only her, that brought me back on track for my books. While, I was procrastinating, it could only be possible in her blessings. 


"But I love you. I'm totally and completely in love with you, and I don't care if you think it's too late. I'm telling you anyway."

– No Strings Attached


Music sure has magic, which can melt the coldest ice of atmosphere. It can bring meaning to smiles and basis for nostalgia.

Witnessing the laughing people dancing on dhol beats along with folk music, one can be fooled with the heated arguments happened just half an hour ago.

Or maybe I should just give credit to the wedding and the vibes it brings.

From the crowd, each one dancing in their own beats, I avert my eyes to the pretty bride holding her mother's hand, eyes speaking of emotions only they can understand, with heaviness in heart she is going to start a new life, leaving behind the people who are her world. And her mother, letting people take away her daughter who is her life.

Every time this thought when crosses me, I wonder, why girls leave their family to accept another.

I distract myself from the site, being aware of the fact, my own eyes have turn glossy.

"There you are! Come on join us!" I cringe looking around for escape before making pleading face to my friends coming to fetch me for dance.

"Um! That, I—I I'll do later." I stutter trying to get free from their hold on my wrist. The grasp can be flint at times, I can only feel now.

"She will guys, she has her item ready." We watch in awe, as Harsha makes an entry, the Jain friend of mine can make the hall revolve in her grace.

"Hain na?" I watch wide eyes, as she cocks her gaze, asking as if I or anyone can cross her words, a terrified gulp comes from me next, our friends tugging my wrist took me to dance floor.

The quiet tranquility knocks next, I look for the now—quiet orchestra finding a grinning Kavya standing there, with her wink, I realize she—they are up to something.

Dear God, help me, I'm so going bury someone deep!

Neither my pleading or threatening gaze affect her as she instructs the DJ, my gaze moves to entire hall, hoping for a help to rescue.

The glistering surroundings almost blinding me, but then...

A knocking feel comes to my conscious, daunting and I still, like this inner feeling commanding me to stop and take a deeper feel but not long as the serene tune of song engulfs me next making me snap my gaze at my friend's way. Kavya stands there, sending a wink and flying kiss my way.

The crowd applauds, I feel torn between holding the composure and dusting off the conscious feel.

Taking a deep breath, I look behind, my friend sitting there between her mother and sister, expecting me to dance, I smile and turning I find Kavya stepping near me.

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