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Evelyn's P.O.V

"Malfoy?" I ask as I see a bit of his blonde hair, "what the hell are you doing out here?"

"Guess I could ask you the same thing, Dean," he retorts, not making eye contact with me as he stares directly at the lake, his arms tucked into his sweatpants.

"Well," I start awkwardly, not sure how to have a proper conversation with the boy, "are you just going to stand there?"

"I would if you hadn't decided to sit yourself on my spot," he scoffs while using his free hand to move his hair out of his face.

Taking in his appearance, I notice that he's no longer wearing his suit. Standing there in front of me stood Draco Malfoy, with a green Quidditch hoodie and black sweatpants. His hair messily layed around his face, random parts sticking out like he had just gotten done with shagging someone, small balls of sweat visible on his face as they roll down.

"Your spot?" I finally question.

"Yea, Dean, I always sit here; everyone knows that." he spits, acting as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, clearly the fuck not," I respond, already tired of his arrogant attitude, "I'm not moving, so you either take a seat or get lost. I would recommend the ladder," and with that, I take the book off my lap and pick it back up, deciding to get ahead on my reading. My brain already telling me how any minute he would leave, finally leaving me alone.

But, oh, how wrong I was when I heard his body drop to the ground a few feet away from me.

"You're staying?" I ask, completely confused as to why he would choose to be anywhere near me.

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself, " he spits irritated, "I would rather sit here than listen to Astoria talk my ears off. Plus, I'm already here, and as I said, this is my spot."

"For fucks sake, Malfoy, it's a tree," my eyes still on the book as I stare at it, my eyes not picking up on any words. "Don't tell me daddy paid for this too?" I choke out, little giggles leaving my mouth as I hard to contain them.

"Don't be stupid. My family practically paid for the entire school. You really think people like the Weasley's helped keep this place alive?"

"And here I was thinking the elves just liked to do some charity work," I snort, enjoying poking fun at him a bit too much.

"Oh, please, the house-elves are nothing but dumb little rats. My hair gel costs more than their annoying little lives. One snap of my finger, and I could have them all bowing down to me." The smile on his face showing nothing but snobbiness as he spits his churlish words.

"You really do have such a way with words, always the charmer," I say in my kindest voice before glaring at him, trying to convey the message that he's not welcome here as much as possible.

"Like I would want to charm you. Have you seen yourself, Dean. It's embarrassing just knowing I'm sitting here talking to you, wasting my voice on a girl who hangs out with blood traitors and mudbloods. You and everyone else in the bloody school are pathetic. My father was right about Dumbledore being the downfall of this school."

"Ok, first of all, I never asked you to stay. So, if that's the problem, then leave." I breathe out, waiting for him to respond. But, when he doesn't, I let out another huff and continue, "You know they're not all that bad, right? Well, all of them except the golden trio. They are truly pathetic with their 'everyone deserves to be treated equal' bullshit until it comes to us Slytherins."

"Finally, one thing we can agree on, good to see you use your brain for once," he says, his voice now softer, a small smile plaguing his face, a smile that he thinks I can't notice due to the dark. "What are you doing out here anyway?" he asks, now looking up at the moon.

"Reading," I say, lifting the book off my lap to show him.

"Near the Black Lake at night?"

"Umm, yea," I lie, not sure how to explain the situation when I didn't know how I got here myself. "Just needed some fresh air."

"You really are dumb. I talk back when I said you were using your brain."

"What did I do?" I whisper shout, now just offended more than anything.

"You are here, alone, near the Black Lake at night when the forbidden forest is 50 yards away," he responds while pointing to the forest.

"Yea..." I say, trying to think of something, "well, you're out here too, don't seem to be worried about yourself."

"I asked why you were out here when it's not safe. I never said anything about being worried for you."

"And here I was thinking Draco Malfoy had a heart," I scoff, putting my book back in my bag as I lean my head against the tree, closing my eyes once again.

"Yea, well, don't," he sighs, suddenly going quiet.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I laugh, checking my watch that Gaby gave me to see it was almost midnight. Knowing that my friends were going to be worrying about me, I quickly get up. Grabbing my bag as I dust myself off.

"Where are you going."

"Back to the castle," I inform, wondering why I was answering all his questions, "my friends are probably worried."


"Yea, I know you don't really have the biggest vocabulary, but friends are people who care about you, and here's the shocker, you don't have to threaten them to hang out with you."

"I know what friends are you, blithering idiot!" He shouts at me as I'm already walking back the way I came.

He continues to shout at me until he lets out a sigh, giving up as he stays there, my eyes taking one quick look at the now silent boy as I make a turn for the Slytherin Dormitories.

AN: Can someone tell me if Draco is being rude enough. I really didn't want him to be too much because he usually crosses the lines between bully and sexual assault. 

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