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Evelyn's P.O.V

"Shit, shit, shit," I mumble to myself as I run out of the dorm, my shoes in hand as I tumble down the stairs. My bag running into my side every turn I take, my socks slipping on the Common Room carpet as I dash out the door.

Running down the hall, I mentally curse myself for throwing the muggle watch in the fire last night. At least I would have known how late to Potions I was going to me.

Catching on to the door to stop myself from falling, I quickly put my shoes back on, trying to level my breathing as my hand reaches for the door.

"Ok, you can do this," I huff out as I open the door, walking into the classroom while Snape's back was turned towards me. The rest of the class staring at me as if I was the dumbest person to exist. Turning my head from side to side, I stand there for a second, trying to find a seat until I hear a book drop.

"Well, look who decided to join us," Snape huffs as he finally turns towards me. "I wouldn't even be surprised if you got lost. The fifth years this year are lacking more than just a tutor," his robes sweeping against the floor as he walks to his desk, picking up a stack of papers while I just stare at him, wondering what to do next.

The face of the kids faces holding nothing but amusement as they try not to laugh at the professor's comments.

"Well, don't just sit there like you've been petrified, all of you up," Snape commands as each student quickly rushes out their seat, walking to the back to the back of the class while my friends make their way towards me.

"You missed breakfast. Where have you been?" Daphne asks, pulling me into a hug while the others surround me.

"Just woke up late, but seriously, no one thought about checking up on me? For all you know, I could have died in my sleep."

"Well, we were going to," Theo admits rubbing the back of his head before continuing, "but Gaby said you were throwing things last night, and we didn't feel like putting ourselves in harms way at seven in the morning."

Turning my head, I sent a death glare Gaby's way, wishing I had thrown more than just a pillow.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brings my attention back to the front of the class as Snape begins to speak.

"We will be starting the year off with a two-partner project; you will submit a 5-page essay on any potion in your fifth-year textbooks as well as a sample of the potion itself. Now, I will call names. The person you will sit next to will be your assigned partner."

He spent the next ten minutes calling out names as I patiently waited for my name.

"Crabbe and Greengrass."

"Nott and Goyle."

"Zabini and Weasley."

"Strong and Potter."

Finally, he stopped, staring around the room as his eyes land on me.

"Dean, you will be with Davies since you are head of the class, and not only is he late, but he also failed my class. Now, I hope you don't mind the challenge, take a seat on the table to the right while we wait for the dimwit."

Letting out a sigh, I drag my feet to the desk at the back of the room, putting my bag near my feet as I drop into the seat. Bowing down, I reach inside the bag, pulling out the textbook, deciding to pick the potion we're working on myself.

"Pst," looking up, I see Daphne a few chairs away from me, her face twisted with disgust as she plugs her nose each time Crabbe opens his mouth to speak.

"Help me," she silently pleas, her hands now put together, "switch with me, I beg you."

"No," I answer back, the word rolling off my tongue as slow as possible as the smile on my face widens.

"Please," she begs again, "I swear Snape won't even notice."

Pretending to think about it, I turn back to her, sticking my tongue out as I watch her face falter even more.

"You should have thought about that before letting me be late," I answer pettily, resting back into my seat as Daphne lets out a huff, giving up and turning back to her partner.

Looking around the room, I notice Weasley's face turning bright red while Blaise stood over the poor bloke, shouting at him for how horrible his handwriting was.

Letting out a little giggle, I continue looking around, finding Gaby and Potter working together as he blushes at everything she says.

Finally, turning to Theo, I see him paying more attention to the Ravenclaw 3 desks ahead of him instead of the words coming out of Goyle's mouth. His head stuck too far into his book to notice his partner practically drooling over the girl.

"Late again, Mr. Malfoy," I hear Snape scoff as I turn my head to the door. Malfoy standing there out of breath as he makes his way to the front of the class.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" he asks, his tone unamused as he picks at the dirt from under his nails.

"Well, since it seems that nor you nor Mr. Davies is able to come to class on time, you will be working with his partner, Dean."

"What!" we both shout at the same time, my body moving almost automatically as I walk to the front of the class.

"I can wait for Max, Professor Snape. Surely you can find Malfoy another partner to work with."

"That won't be necessary," I hear another voice shout from the door.

"Oh good, you're here," I sigh in relief as Max makes his way to us.

"So, I'm guessing one of you is my partner," he asks, slightly laughing as he points his finger between the two of us.

"Yes, me," I shout quickly, wanting the whole encounter to be over as soon as possible.

"You were his partner," Snape corrects, looking back down at his seating chart.

"Mr. Malfoy is your new partner while Mr. Davies over here will be working alone."

"But sir, I failed last year. I was supposed to have a partn-"

"Yes, well, that was before you decided to be late, now sit down before I give all of the detention for wasting my time."

Rolling my eyes, I walk back to my seat, dropping my head in my hands while I feel the heat of a body sit next to me.

"So, what potion are we doing?" he asks, sarcastically, his voice taunting me as he continues, "partner."

Just. Fucking. Great.

AN: This chapter is probably shit but I just had the worst day of my life, so I'm gonna let it slide ig 😩 

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