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For whoever is reading my obviously lame book I thank you with the utmost respect. I am better at poetry than I am an actual book, but hey I try really hard with the grammar.. I don't have internet always witch makes writing a Wattpad book a pain in my ass honestly. I promise to soon lay out my poetry to you! Maybe you'll actually like it!


My poetry is extremely depressing and if not depressing to you excruciatingly sad and gloomy. Unless your the person that doesn't have emotions like Jeff the Killer I advise you don't read my poetry if you are an over depressed reader, I wouldn't want to give you any ideas.. I too have struggles with pain and depression and I don't want the cause and effect of something bad to be because I wrote a Wattpad book on depressing poetry.

MY INTEREST'S... (∩_∩)

My favorite band: One Direction (1D)

My favorite food: Spaghetti or Pizza

My favorite animal: Cat

My favorite books:

The Name Of The Star by Maureen Johnson

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

My favorite actor: ??? Julia Roberts

My favorite solo singer: Taylor Swift or the old Miley Cyrus or John Legend or IDFK um... Idk.

My favorite CD: Maroon 5 album 5

My favorite color/colors: 1. Purple 2. Medium Baby Blue 3. Like Green

That's enough about me though!!! Its your turn! Here are the steps!

1.) Answer all my questions in one comment.

2.) Share a link of my book on some type of media.

3.) Tell me you've shown at least one social cite about my book, and I'll instantly either add one of your books, do a shout out for you, of something else of your liking! :)

"Stay Strong! Live Long." (☆^ー^☆)

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