Chapter Sixteen

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*Still Jeff's P.O.V*

"We came like you said but there is no trace of Beth.." Eyeless Jack decides to speak up. Anger pulses through my skull and I rush over and grab Eyeless Jack by the throat. "Then why didn't you send someone to tell me? Huh, or what didn't you try and find her!?" I almost panic as I scream into Jack's face. "We didn't know to do that.. You only told us to come and knock on the door..." Jack coughs out in my face. I set him down and begin to panic. "Where's BEN!?" I scream rather than question. "We don't know, did you find him and send him here? We haven't seen him." Hoodie pitches in. "YES I SENT HIM HERE BEFORE ANY OF YOU! I TRUSTED THAT BASTARD! OH, I AM SO PISSED!" I scream to the crowd. "Maybe Slender made him do something..." Laughing Jack blurts out in a high pitch voice. "Maybe, he wants her for himself." Eyeless Jack chimes in. "Shut the fuck up! Everyone. Slender had something to do with this, I smell static all over this whole mess." I spit into both Jack's faces. "Look, we have to gang up on Slender somehow..." I say loosing my train of thought. "Are you fucking kidding me Jeff? Slender is immortal, you couldn't get rid of him even if you wanted to." Hoodie says obvious of showing annoyance. "I know that, but we have to find some other girl almost close to Beth.. Beth can't be the one for him. It has to be another girl.." I say trying not to loose myself right then and there. "I had a vision..." Jane coughs to the crowd appearing out of nowhere. "Jane..." Is all I could mumble out before Fazbear asked. "Well, what was it?" Jane seemed distant for a second before sputtering through her black lips. "She looks similar to me because the girl he longs for is me. He hasn't found me in so long... And he decided to choose Beth instead. Also Jeff, I don't hate you.. I just feel betrayed about my whole family loss.. And slender doesn't hate you, he warned me... He takes every girl from you because he sees them as a distraction. I've lived enough, I owe you anyway for disappearing for so many years, I also owe you for trying to kill you so it's with the highest utmost respect I say I'll sacrifice to help you and that immoral girl.." Jane whispers out a quiet sob and a rush over to her. "It's not your fault you had so much rage for me, I ruined your life. Similar to what I've done to Beth... I think I understand now..." I say before Jane gets up boldly "We don't have much time, he's getting ready to insert the egg..." Jane says before running up the stairs the rest of the group following. Chicka breaks Slender's door down and they all pile in. Jane staying lead as I stumble to his doorway. "Slenderman stop. It's not her you want its me." Jane speaks boldly. 'Yeah, but your immortal and it would be much more fun to-' slender doesn't doesn't finish as Jane stars taking latch after patch off of Beth and removing her mouth hold. "Wait!" Beth screams to Jane. "Look kid, it's better this way. You deserve to live longer than this.." She begins to willingly sit on the table for Slender to implant the egg. "Who are you..?" Beth asks to the woman in solid black. Face burnt like Jeff. "Jane... Now go on! Get outta here!" Jane yells to Beth spreading her legs. Beth is dragged out of the room by Hoodie him hand over her mouth so she can't tell too loud. I hear her scream random things into the hand of Hoodies, hood. Everyone begin to leave as I stay glued to the door frame aimlessly staring at Jane. "What are you doing Jeff? Go." Jane commands to me but it's as if I'm not even there and I just stare as Slender sticks a tube into Jane's woman part. Something I've never seen before and I feel warm salty tears fall down my leathery face. "Jeff, I sai-" Jane tries to make me go again but I yell out. "I've looked for eleven years Jane! Now you're here and you're going to be vanished after your supposed death of due date. I can at least watch the one girl I ever loved take a death wish can I not!?" I scream into the air from her and me. "Fine. Jeff watch if that's what you really want." Jane states showing exactly no emotion at all. I watch before I feel someone tug at my hoodie and I turn to see Sally behind me Teddy held tightly in her hands. "No I don't want to play, Sally." I say trying not to break down again. "I didn't want to play..." Sally says with few words as usual. "Then what do you want?" I ask sounding more agitated than planned but Sally's used to it from me. "Beth.. Wants you..." She says before vanishing from view. Which I'm used to now also. You see us CreepyPasta's grow on each other. I wish I could have told Sally to hang on because I'm staying to watch my best friend at the moment. Don't get me wrong I love Beth, something I haven't felt sense Jane, she was my first love. You can't forget something like that. "Who could even love me?" I whimper out to nothing, making it inaudible from anyone else to hear. "I loved you..." I hear Jane mumble out. "What?" I ask still shaky from crying some. "I said I loved you Damn it!" Jane screams obviously holding back tears. She's a strong girl, I give her credit for that.. But so is Beth. "Jane... I just don't understand how." I say speaking the complete truth for once. "Because your an awesome guy. You treat love like it was meant to be. Yeah, you may be an insane psychopath... But you have a heart of a lion. Your smart, bright, protective, and caring. Yeah, you have your man period a lot but females are that way too... That's what makes you so easy to reason with because you're a lot like us, like you understand pain on an emotional level. That's why I loved you Jeff." Jane coughs out through muffled tears. "You might have taken my family away, but I forgive you Jeff.. And I hope you can forgive me for all the crap I've thrown at you and said and did. I'm sorry Jeff." Jane says near sulking now. "Jane you don't need to apologize for anything.... I'm the one that ruined you're life.. Just like Beth's. You don't deserve this in the slightest, but just like as a kid... You help the bad guy get what he wants.. And you sacrifice yourself for that... I don't deserve it in the slightest I should have let you kill me all those years ago when you tried." I say before walking away and heading to Beth's room. I walk down the stairs into Beth's room where I can see BEN. "What the fuck are YOU doing in here?" I ask BEN trying to sound interrogating, and pushing the 'you' out like spit. "Jeff... Slender forced me to try and take her..." BEN mumbled with his black pits for eyes turning somewhat shameful. "You bastard, he was going to KILL her." I say through gritted teeth. "Yeah, but Slender would have killed me! I may be immortal Jeff, but immortals can kill other immortals..." BEN trailed off a slight hint of sadness is his voice. "It doesn't matter, as long as Beth's safe..." I said before everything went black.

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