Chapter Six

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~Let's get fixed~

As I lay awoken to my own demonic nightmare again, I begin to panic. I realize, I'm definitely not in my own bed and that means not in my own house. As far as I know I 'skipped school' never came home and the world is probably on search. I notice this room suits my mood. Last night it was blue, everything a blur possibly I was calm. Now? Red. Blood murderous red, because I knew what I was getting dressed for. To kill something, or anything at that. I rush downstairs noticing and awkwardly kind BEN, Jeff, Slender man, and Sally. They all glare at me as if there's something wrong. "What's wrong..?" I ask trying not to lash out on someone. Everyone is silent as Slender comes to face me. "You need to follow me. Now." He commands seeming concerned. As we walk for what seems hours we reach a small shack covered in nothing but moss and crap. As we get inside the whole mood changes. To my dream ideal bedroom. "Why is this, this room exactly what I've dreamed to be my room?" I ask feeling a tad bit queasy and questionable. "It's an affect here at the CP hospital... You see there are a lot of life changing and possible life ending moments here so to lighten the mood for some reason it changes to the most comfortable room you know, seeming as your dream bedroom." He slyly stated leaving me pondered in my own thoughts. Suddenly Slender breaks the long silence with a please "ah, at last! Here it is!" I try catching a glimpse of what on earth he's holding but can't see a thing because of the height difference. "All I need is methomesodide, and you'll be all good?" He says in a weird way of asking. "Why do I need it?" I stumble off of my own words sounding like a child. "To stop your nightmares." He says with a sigh if integrity. "You... You know about those freaky dream's I've been having?" I ask shaking unknowingly now. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Jeff adopted you as his proxy.. And I had to kidnap you yesterday because I knew you would have a dream that night. Appealingly about me, by the way darling I can read mind. You can't hide from the 'no eye's." He laughs at his own joke and raps a huge blue band on my thigh. "Wait, you need to go to the bathroom and put these on." He mutters as he hands me extremely short black booty shorts. I mumble 'fine', shoot him a glare and rush to the bathroom. I put the shorts on quickly and come back out sitting back down on the, to me at least gummy bear chair. "This might hurt..." Slender stated with a look of sympathy in his face, well what you could see of his emotionless face. He raps the rubber blue band around my right upper thigh and puts an alcohol pad on my left thigh. "What are you doing exactly?" I quietly mutter to the very patient and kind Slender. "I have to disinfect your blood, from the insanity." He says. Without questioning. "You know how Jeff is a little more blood thirty and cruel than the others?" He asks starting a conversation. "No, why?" I ask. "Because he didn't get treated quickly enough and he's insanity of far worse than any of my other children." Slender calmly states staring into my soul. If I even had one, these days I felt like I didn't. I quench and the way he just called all those insane killers his 'children' ew, pedophile. I think to myself before seeing Slender fighting back pain. "I'm not a pedophile.. They literally are my children, regardless of being sick or not I taught them everything they know." He says wanting to drop the subject obviously. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about what I though. I guess I'm used to thinking what's true and not speaking it.. I'm sorry Slender Man." I say as sympathetically I can. "It's alright, let's just get this over with.." He mutters before wiping my right middle thigh with an alcohol pad and shoving a seemingly never ending needle into my lifeless leg. I bear the stink for moments on end but so  my body begins to give out and I can't fell anything. Nothing, I'm numb. Then I am on fire. My whole body being engulfed in flames and almost as quickly as it came disappearing with a frozen feeling, my feet nothing. I begin go bawl and scream hysterically as I scratch at my wrists. I begin bleeding and drinking my own blood gagging on copped tasting life. Before I know it I am sleep once more, but no nightmares just..  Peace and utter tranquility.

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