Road To Being Mrs.Breezy

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Weeks after Tra'lysia got pregnant her and chris started staying there distances . For some reason she couldn't stand to be aroung chris as much. She went through alot of mood swings when chris was around. Chris thought this was funny. They stayed in touch but didn't spend much time. Chris decide that today after he got off work he was gonna go surprise her aand make a house visit. So when he got off @3 he went over to her crib. He knocked twice then stood back and waited. Soon as she opened the door chris bomb rushed her and picked her up. She was glad to see hm. He asked if she wanted to get out the house. She said no so chris went up to the room and grabbed a towel. She asked what the towel was for he said just incase yo tits start leaking milk. Then he picked her up grabbed his keys off the table and went to the car. She was mad because his car was better than hers. Chris told her stop complaining we finna go buy you a lamborghini . They pulled up to chris's custom paint shop and he carried her inside and told her pick a coloar and design for her car. She said no chris this car cost too much. He told his custom car person that she'll take a rapped purple lamborgihni with butterflies. They left and went got something to eat , then went back to the crib to eat , sleep and talk about the baby.

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