The Accidental Stay

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Chris ended up over sleeping and missed the dinner date. He woke to 58missed calls from Tra'lysia.He called her back twice she didn't answer. It was 11:00 at night . Chris didn't give a fuck so he hopped in his lamborgihni and flew over to her house. He knocked on the door she answered. Tra'lysia asked chris why was he at her house at this time of night. Chris replied telling her that she wasn't answerig her phone so he had came over to check on her.... She replied awee chris this is so nice of yhuu. He said yeaa mhm don't expect this often. She asked chris to come in he agreed. As soon as he stepped in it started thundering and lighting real bad. Chris asked was their a warning . She told him yes. He was like damn man how am i gonna get home. Tra'lysia told chris that he could stay the night at her house. Chris looked at her up and down and said okay but if you try to killing me im breaking your fucking neck.She laughed and said okay. She told chris he could stay in the guest room which was next to hers. Chris said umm okay.

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