ahead of the game

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6:45 - Sydney's Pov:

I spin around a few times in my chair, I've been doing paperwork since I first got in at 6 and wow...it's only been 45 minutes? It's felt like forever, probably because how slow and quiet it is today...But all I have on my mind is: who is Michelle? I don't ever think I've met a Michelle before...maybe a hook up? No I doubt it, since I haven't really had a girlfriend...only a few hook ups yet that's it, but she could be one of them. How does she know where I live? Did she bug me? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she placed one becuase only god knowss how long she was in there for...I repeatedly tap my pen against my desk, biting on the inside of my cheek as I dive deeply into my thoughts and try to think of if I somehow know her "Hey Norris you alright?" Will asks and I shake my head "no..." "what's goin' on? you wanna talk about it?" he sits next to me, I glance up at him for a moment "someome broke into my house last night..." I look back down at my pen, tapping it softly against my desk once more "someone what?!" "hey! keep it down...I don't want you to tell anyone about this, not even the captain...but it was a women and she said her name is Michelle..." I whisper to him. He looks at me and ducks his head down to my ear "I promise I won't tell the captain or another living soul. But you gotta promise me you'll stay safe tonight and let some agents over to keep you safe, okay? they'll stay outside and they will not bother you, if they do then I'll kick thier ass!" he says and lifts his head back up with a smile reaching from ear to ear and his fist in the air, "now who's ass are we beating?" Azure asks with her arms crossed, Will freezes in his place and before either of us can speak she continues "we just got a new case in, that's why I've called you in so early...I'm sorry and you guys know I hate doing thi-" I place my hand on her shoulder "it's alright cap, we'll be fine! Now what's this new case about?" I ask while she brings us to our room, it's like a meeting or board? where we start most of our cases and do all of our FBI stuff takes place. I take a seat and she hands out 5 files, one for Eve, Ray, James, me and Will, then she clears her throat which is a signal for Eve to put pictures of on the screen. "A man identified as Micheal Chambers was brutally murdered, his body was found near Austin's River, the one by Pakerson Road. The only finger prints that are found are from another man named Ethan Calway, apparently Hansen was a drug dealer and Dreves happened to be the guy who bought the high class drugs. We also found a few fingerprints from his daughter, Michelle Chambers, she's been reported missing for 2 days which is the time that her father was reported missing..." She goes on about the case and I glance at Will who's looking at me with his eyes wide, her name is Michelle Chambers? Hopefully she doesn't come back...she seemed nice though...really pretty too. "Alright I want more tests done on Mr. Hansen and we'll leave in 20, get your gear ready. Got it?" I shake my head from my thoughts and look up at her, giving the captain a nod and then standing up. Quickly I walk into my changing area with all my gear, I finish and walk out with my bag in my hand while walking to elevator.
We arrive at the crime scene, everyone begins analyzing everything while I just stand there like an idiot "Norris, you need something?" Azure asks and I shake my head "it's nothing captain, I'll get started on taking the shots" I say as I pull out my camera, beginning to take pictures of the surrounding area. "I have back up on its way, they're gonna sweep the woods to see if there's anything then we can put the tape up and head back. Alright?" Again, everyone nods and Will pulls me to the side "Syd...there will be men over at your place, 2 guys at the front, one inside and one outside checking around...I-I want you to be safe because this woman broke into your apartment, we have no idea what she's up to or how strong she is..." I zone out as he trails off. A few taps on my shoulder and I snap back into reality, god I really need to stop spacing out so bad, I nod at Will and go back to taking pictures. We head out and over to Ethan Calway's house after picking up a warrant, we're not really the team to barge in without evidence or permission, even though we have before.
That's a different story though.

Azure knocks on his front door "Mr. Calway, open up. It's the FBI" she said loud enough to be heard from anywhere in his small home, no response, she gives Will the go ahead and he kicks the door in. I follow behind him and look around with my flashlight in one hand and gun in the other. There's a sign he's been here today, half empty carton of ice cream, opened bottle of sprite, some cigarettes that had to have been put out a few minutes ago "looks like he knew we'd be onto him" Will spits out angrily, unlike him who hates to have suspects on the loose, I love it. It's like a hunt, you get to chace them down and what doesn't sound fun about that? I look back at Azure who had just given orders to Ray and James to go and check if anything came back from the lab, they turn around and walk of the trailer and she sighs softly. "Let's go, he's gotta still be here. It's a big place and he's most likely gonna come back and get that cocaine underneath the couch pillow." She says quietly, Will picks up the cocaine and puts it in a evidence bag before we all leave the trailer. She gives us the signal and we split up. I quietly run over to a shipping container where I climb on top of it, setting my sniper up and grabbing a tranquilizing dart from my bag. Calway runs out from behind a car about 30 feet away from us, I look through the scope, Azure and Will are in place and have their guns at their side but he's still far away from us. My finger hovering over the trigger and a smile creeps upon my face as Azure gives me a nod, I jump to another container with my gun in my hand and when my feet hit the container it's silent. He can't see me from where he is, so I jump to 2 other ones before stopping and shooting him right in the arm. He winces in pain then a very faint "shit" echos throughout the grounds.
“Caught the prey” I say to Will over my ear peice. We all sigh, I get down from the container and walk up to Azure and Will, Mr. Calway is in handcuffs “good work Norris, now let's get this scumbag into questioning” We hop into the car and take off back to HQ.

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