undercover / savior.

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warning: 18+ content.

8:47 - Sydney's pov:

We're in my apartment, Captain (Azure) called to tell me I have to go undercover with James, we're going to the nightclub that Mr. Chambers has apparently visited a lot. So here we are, i'm in my bra and underwear trying on a dress in my bathroom with makeup I wish to wash off my face right now, and Michelle just sits on my bed. I'm confused over a few things; how did she know where I was? how does she know about the missing person's poster of herself? (which isn't even her), and why does my heart rate go up whenever she's around? Seriously whenever she's around me I feel like I'm going into cardiac arrest, it's horrifying to be honest. Yet it makes my stomach tingle, but it's in a good way? It's weird...But all I know for certain is that I hope she sticks around...


"Fucking zipper!" I curse as I reach my hand back to try and continue to zip it up, I hear a knock on the door and jump slightly "y-yeah?" I say then slam my fist on the counter, "Do you need any help darling?" She asks, I exhale frustrated "n-no..I got it Michelle" she opens the door and I turn around. She places her hand on my lower back to straighten the dress out to make it easier, "see? You do need my help baby" her words made my brain melt, all my nerves were crushed and I didn't have a single thought in my head besides her. Her breath is hot against my back as she moves my hair to the side, then she zips it up "hmm..." she hums under her breath to where I could barely catch it, "uh what is it?" I ask while insecurity creeps up on me. She might be judging me right now, oh shit...is it the makeup? I knew I shouldn't have done it..."I want to fuck you in this dress, I mean come on- look at you." Her left hand makes its way to my inner thigh, she rubs it up and down. I can feel butterflies erupting in my stomach as she speaks, the hairs on my neck are standing at this point "You're so fucking hot, and I just want to ruin you so badly..." She says in my ear, a shiver running down my spine, her voice is like velvet, so sweet it almost makes me ache. Her grasp on my waist is getting tighter, she's getting slightly possessive and I'm not complaining. She kisses my neck and sucks on it softly causing me to moan softly, pink dusts my cheeks "Michelle, I-I have to hurry, I can't show up late" she grabs my jaw and kisses me long and hard, I moan softly in her mouth while leaning in deeper into the hot messy kiss before I lean pull away. "I'm serious hun, and I can't leave James alone, that's rude..." she cuts me off while looking at me in the mirror "James? Who is he, new boyfriend?" She mutters and lets go of me, that includes her hand on my thigh. I fix my make up "Nope, coworker. He works in the field with me." I say to her before touching up my hair and walking out of the bathroom, I grab my purse "you're welcome to stay here, but if you leave please lock my doors...or windows..." I say to her while opening my bedroom door, she smiles and calls out "you got it, love."
I walk up to the line of the nightclub, Devourer, a popular and high rising nightclub among adults. And, the perfect place for drug lords. I meet Jack and we both enter with our vip passes, I have an ear piece in and we begin to walk around and spot different associates of Mr. Chambers. Loud pop music plays heavily through speakers, sweat and perfume filling my senses, not to mention the alcohol and the air is sort of heavy. James talks with some men at a table with women who are barely wearing anything, you can hardly call that a clothing item. And I approach a girl at the bar, taking a seat next to her "No one's sitting here right?" I shout over the music, she looks me up and down with a smiling appearing on her face "not at all!" I smile and nod "cool," she drinks whatever's in her cup "do you want a drink?" She asks, I glance at her drink then back at the bar "uh sure...do they have tequila here?" I ask and she laughs while putting her hand on my shoulder "oh baby they have all sorts of tequila here! This is the Devourer, they only serve the best!" She says then calls a bartender over to order me an expensive glass of tequila. "Stay focused Norris, you came here to get information, not to get drunk with a blonde." James chuckled over his ear piece, she held my glass and I watched as it had looked like something dissolved in it. Fuck. I can't leave or else she'll know I saw it, "Cheers?" She says raising her glass. I bit my lip and raise my glass to hers, hearing the satisfying tink from the glasses, then I bring the glass to my lips and take a big drink of my tequila. To my surprise, from across the club I can see what looks like Michelle drinking alone with a jacket on her arm, did she follow me? Shit she could totally blow my cover right now..."hey I didn't catch your name" the blonde girl says, my focus moves to the girl next to me "oh uh you can call me Syd, and you are?" She holds her hand out which I shake "Annie or Anne, whichever you prefer" I smile at her. "Well it's nice to meet you Annie" I say and she laughs softly "good to meet you too Syd." She's already drunk and turns out she has a lot to say, she's been telling me a good amount of dirt on Mr. Chambers, from him selling drugs to minors to him cheating on his wife. This guy has been into some deep shit, just digging himself deeper and deeper into this fuckin hole. He makes me sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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