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4:37 am - Sydney's pov:

I bolt up and grab my gun from the side of the mattress, hey I mean at least I don't have one underneath my pillow, I examine my room. Just another bad dream. Or maybe that was some really bad sleep paralysis? Well whatever it was it was scary. I look to my left and Michelle is gone, so that's what that noise was, well it was good while it lasted. She made me feel so many things, my stomach felt like it was going to explode with butterflies, and I don't think I've ever had an orgasm like that before. I turn over to grab my phone off my nightstand and notice a text from Will saying that he has the list of people at that hockey game, I better head in. I stand up, stretching then going and taking a quick shower, I get dressed and grab my go bag, gun, badge, and the rest of the necessities. I hop in my car, I pull into a donut place, order the donuts and 2 coffees then drive back to the BAU. "Hey Syd! Get your ass over here!" He says with a smile, I walk over and set the donuts on my desk "Sorry, I've had a rough night, I'm pretty sore. And you can have a donut if you're nice to me today...also I got you a coffee" I say and sigh as I sit down, opening my drawer and swallowing a pill of advil and some tylenol then I drink some of my water. "Taking it like a champ I what about that rough night? Was she good? Did she at least make you...yk cu-" "Hey ladies, get in here! Looking at you Ascota" Azure looks at us from the doorway of the room and smiles "bring those donuts too!" I nod at her, shooting a smile back "you got it cap!" We begin to walk over and he quietly thanks me for the coffee, it's the least I could do since he bought me dinner last week. But before I walk in he touches my shoulder and mentions he has to go do something, I don't question it but I assume it's a family emergency, after all he does live with his mom so he can make sure she's okay. And I hope she is, she's a sweet women.

I walk into the room and sit down, I once again set the donuts down, Eve stands next to the white board and points at the sheet of paper with the people who were at the hockey game, she smiles upon seeing the donuts then gives me a little wave, "so we've talked to a handful of people there at the hockey game and there was no sign of Ethan Calway anywhere, and we can talk to his son Daniel in a few hours." she says then Azure takes over while standing at the other side of the white board, "Knowing so little about this case over all is a little frustrating, like, what was his motive? Did the drug deal go bad? Did Mr. Chambers rip Calway off? We don't know and we have to-" Eve gasps and starts mumbling before pulling up a missing person's flyer "Mr. Chambers daughter is missing?" Azure questions and looks over the poster, and that's when the confusion and frustration sets in. 4 days...that's 2 days before the killing of Mr. Chambers, what the hell is going on. She was just at my house last she on the run? Did she get sucked into her fathers evil shit? "Eve pull up the list of people, we needs to talk to them. Asco- Where's Ascota? Ugh fine, Norris go and talk to Daneil, I'll take care of Calway, then James and Ray you both can begin to go through the people on that list and talk with them." Azure says as she stands up, glancing at the screen then back at us "We should also to ask the maids that work for Mr. Chambers to see if they've seen Calway at his house or heard anything about him, check his bank account too. See if he made any big withdrawls of money or transferred any." I say and smile at Eve, I understand how stressful this can be and I hope she's doing okay. Maybe I'll get coffee with her when she has the chance.

I yawn quietly and get up, grabbing my gear and heading out to go and question Daniel...I wonder how Michelle's doing, is she just messing with me? But she isn't like that, yet how can I know? I go and grab another cup of coffee at my favorite shop, yes I know I've already had 2 cups writhing the span of 45 minutes but I can't be so tired. Then I pull up to Daniels house, getting out of the car I think of what to say, I knock on the door and his mother smiles "Hi, are you Ms. Calway? I'd like to have a few words with you" I say to her "who are you?" she asks me and I pull out my badge "I'm with the FBI, I'm Sydney Norris. This is about your husb-" "Ex Husband, we aren't together anymore..." I nod as I look at her. She invites me inside and calls Daniel downstairs, "Ugh what is it mom?" He grumbles, he looks at her then notices me on the other side of the room "who is-" "Oh I'm Sydney Norris, I'm with the FBI and I need to talk to you about your dad" I say with a smile. He rolls his eyes "what about him?" he asks "Did you have a hockey game a week or two ago?" I ask, he nods slowly "your dad was there too, right?" he nods again as his eyebrow raises "well he was there but left early...why are we talking about my dad?...Is he in jail?" I look at him and press my lips together, oh god I didn't fully train for this part of the job. "Uh well you see Daniel, the FBI thinks your dad did something bad so I was sent to come and ask questions about him...and your friend, Michelle?" I say as I look down at him, he looks at his mom then back at me with glossy eyes "did you find her...? She's my best friend" he asks and I look at him biting the inside of my cheek. "I'm trying buddy, I'll do my best to bring her home" I smile at him and he hugs me, I hesitantly hug him back with a smile growing on my face.

He whispers"Thank you" and I let go of him "okay bud I gotta talk to your mom now, is that okay?" he nods "but after can I show you my legos?" I laugh softly "of course you can!" he runs upstairs and I sit on the couch across from Ms. Calway "thank you for looking into her missing, I really hope he didn't get her into anything...she's a good woman, she's so strong despite her trouble in school...not to mention Daniel will be devastated, Michelle and him are- were practically inseparable..." Her voice is quiet and sad as she trails off. She informs me about Calway's past with drugs and alcohol, he's been admitted to rehab but only for short periods, the longest being 3 months. It must be hard on her and Daniel, but they seem okay, maybe that's just today? Who knows...The record mentions all the times Michelle has been suspended to the point she couldn't graduate highschool, and she left for 6 months to live with The Calway's because of some complications with the law before randomly going home. God, to be in her shoes, I feel horrible and I wish I could hug her right now.


I sigh softly as I sit in my car, my hand touches my glock at my side as I hear shuffling in the back "Hey baby-" I grab her jaw harshly "What the fuck are you doing in my car?" I mutter at her as she glances down at my gun, she smiles with her face smooshed. "You gonna use it on me?" Her eyes spark with excitement, "No, not yet at least." She frowns softly and I let go "I have an assignment to do, I need to go undercover. Be a good girl and get the hell out of here-" I say and she leans in "You should drive down the block and park somewhere so we" Michelle looks at me with a mischievous grin, she crawls into the passenger seat "I checked your records, it said you were troubled in school and you had it rough...especially without the Calway's around" I bit my lip softly before continuing "Michelle I need to know if you're involved with this..." she sits there quietly and doesn't respond. I drive down the block and park in an empty parking lot of a small old store, "Okay, why the fuck are you here?" I snap at her with my hand on the steering wheel, irritated by her unannounced presence and partially pissed off from this morning, but also not to mention how she won't talk to me about this. "Calm down baby, I just wanted to see you-" she sets her hand on my thigh and traces shapes which makes me tense up "But how did you know where I was? You fuckin following me?" And with that she laughs softly, her chin resting on my shoulder which causes me to tense up "Relax love, I'm not here to hurt you, I just wanted to see you, I mean it..." she smiles and kisses my neck, my shoulders lowering slowly. I sigh softly, fuck she's driving me crazy, "Let me help you feel good..." she raised her hand up my thigh more while gently kissing my neck "Stop, I don't have time for this- I-I need to get ready for tonight" I said moving her hand and putting my other hand back on the steering wheel. "Tonight?" Her eyes filled with joy along with a gentle smile "You cannot come with me Michelle, it's dangerous for you..." "But, they don't know what I look like, the photo on the missing person's poster isn't me" she said in my ear, I tense up slightly "how did you know about that?" I ask. Her smile grows from ear to ear, she turns to me and goes;

"oh I have my ways my love..."


i love psycho women🫶 like yes find my location and get into my car because i left it unlocked on accident like a dumbass, and then tell me to drive to an alleyway so you can try to get freaky with me 😩😩

ALSOOOOO !!!!! Michelle is officially Daniels best friend, they met when Daniel was 8 and hit it off as family friends. And their mom's introduced themselves to each other before Michelle's mother passed away.

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