Someone knows

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Alfred being himself noticed some strange things with his master recently, Bruce has been leaving the house in more casual clothes recently he has been smiling more even if it is hardly noticeable he knows Bruce's latest tasks aren't involved with there nightly activities and not involved with work Alfred always checks Bruce's schedule,he knows there is a significant person involved as he has seen Bruce answer his phone hurriedly and heard the other voice.
So when he sees Bruce trying to sneak outside early in the morning "master Bruce I see you are on another journey today I swear your next meeting was at ten thirty" "I could never get anything out the house without you knowing, I just want to have an early start I didn't go out on patrol last night" "well master Bruce seeing that it is quarter to seven I want to ask where are you going until then" "just going out for coffee take tim and damian to school." Alfred lifted his one eyebrow in suspicion then a smirk came to his lips "ah I see master Bruce I will inform master Tim and master Damien that you will be taking them to school, oh and master Bruce I'd like to meet the person eventually" Bruce had a sudden chill "I am not involved with anyone at the moment" he heard Alfred chuckle as he walked away.

Damien was suspicious of dick recently he has seen him at the dog park that is on the edge of Bludhaven and Gotham he goes there sometimes with Titus and Jon, why was he there even when he had not brought Haley, he decided he would confront dick before dinner, "Grayson I would like to talk with you in the garden let's go" Damien dragged dick outside "what is it Dams dinners almost ready and I don't want to miss Alfreds burgers" "Grayson why have you been going to the dog park here, with them and not bludhavens park" dick panicked he didn't want to tell anyone yet "just checking out the park Haley has been loving it, going for walks you know exercise" Damien was even more curious "fine Grayson since you don't want to tell I will find out another way" "wait okay I'm currently going on dates there every now and then, just don't tell anyone I want to keep it under wraps okay".       "Fine Grayson I won't tell just know that for future reference I won't be doing this again. However father seems set on my patrol during the week lengthen it and we have a deal"

Roy knows and Jason knows he knows at least he thinks that Roy knows that something is different, "going out again really" Roy questions from the couch. "Uh yeah we are out of..pain killers... I used the last ones last night black mask is not easy on the guns I tell yeah" of course this was highly possible perfect lie for now at least Jason hopes "oh really jay-jay" Jason flinches at the nickname, your nickname for him. "Fuck so it was you I saw, did you follow us the whole trip through the museum man cause I love ya but that is some stalker level shit" Roy jumps off the couch walks over and gives Jason a pat on the back "just don't hurt her man"

Conner could see that Tim was slightly happier and dare he say drinking two lesser coffee's then his regular amount, and last time Tim did this was back when Steph and him were dating so of course he was suspicious so when Steph came by he checked Tim's pulse but no extra beats. So when Tim gets a message that makes his heart race he knew it was someone else "so who is the lucky person" Tim freezes for a split second "of course you would notice out of everyone but I was expecting it earlier"

Bruce saw, Damian is a hundred percent sure that Bruce saw him cheek kiss you as a congrats at the prise giving for his school on Friday. Damian has been avoiding him for the whole evening so when it is patrol time, "I'm going with cain" he attempts to get away from any questions when "Damian I want you to come with me Cassandra needs a break after last night" Damian panics "drake hasn't been here this week I will notify him on our progress in the latest case on The Sirens" he once again try's to avoid him "Damian" his father is not giving up "father just ask in the Batcar" he leaves before anyone can object.
It's now dead quiet, Bruce thinks about what Alfred said when he first came home after a first date back in high school may not have been a real crush but the words meant the same "It's perfectly normal to have that sought of relationship..bring them to dinner next Friday for bonding if you will" Damian of course nodded when he actuality was telling himself *shit*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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