You realize you love him

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Bruce: it was raining in Gotham again and you both had been walking around when it started so you ran back to your apartment and had him come in so you took the opportunity to make some coffee for him and tea for you while you where making them Bruce had stumbled upon some sketches that you did secretly when staying at your dads house and one you did a while back when your sister came to visit with your nephew "these sketches are so beautiful do you have more" he asked while looking at the "oh no I only do very little since I still have some self doubt I have other but they are vent art and I don't really want people to see them." You replied while handing him his coffee "thank you for the coffe but you should draw more your good at it and don't doubt yourself if I doubted everything I wanted to do I would have given up a while ago you don't have to show anyone just draw when you have time, I have been taking your advice and whenever I can I try to relax or have some time with my kids and it's been going really well I have even grown closer to my second son and I thought I never would." It was nice to hear someone take your advice and not reject it or ignore what you said.

Richard: you where meant to go have lunch with him on your break from practice but you had to cancel it since your dance partner miss placed his hand and you know where at the hospital with a broken hand and had to wait for someone to sign you out since you hit you head as well "miss (L/n) some one is hear to help you get home he says you know him, his name is Richard Grayson" the nurse had popped her head in "oh yeah I know him but I thought mu mo-"
"We could not get a hold of her so we called the next person on your recent contacts" so she took you to him so he could take you home "why are you here I thought you would be at work by now" you both hugged him hello "well I heard my friend needed some help so I was not gonna leave her hanging plus for some reason the crime rate in Gotham during daylight has gone down." It was nice for you to have someone there when your could not and so you would not have to go to your abusive uncle.

Jason: it was just before sunrise when jay got a call form you "hey what are you doing up at...1:45 in the morning" he had just got to his place after patrol and patching up from Alfred "sorry ..if I woke you up Jason ...I just need to know if your okay.." he must have heard you sniffing "hey what's wrong you didn't call me by your usual nickname?" "Nothing just had some nightmares it's stupid I know I will just hang up" you where about to end it when "hey no you don't have to end it we can talk if you want too I get it I also have nightmares" so you both talked and giggled for a while over the phone, you felt nice that you did not have to be tough and to let out some stuff that has been bothering you for a while.

Timothy: you had been not going to your classes and it started bothering Tim what happened so he went to your house one day to look for you when he got there he found you crying on the couch "hey what's wrong you seem off" he went to sit next to you "no my ex has been stalking me and has been following me around and whenever I try to leave the house I get messages saying weird stuff from him and I'm so scared to leave the house" you started hyperventilating "hey breath in and out try follow my breathing pattern" after calming you down he had told you all about how he knows someone that can help and it will never happen again, and a few days latter he was seen on the news, being taken away by some officer Grayson for harassment and cybercrime.

Damian: you had been a bit off and had not eaten at breaks and during pe lesson you had fainted again and he dot sick of it so he asked Alfred to pack extra lunch for tomorrow and during break he sat in front of you and had a mini bowl of carrots and hummus "eat or I will have to take extreme measures" "I'm fine Damien I will eat at home" "no I know you you will forget to eat or starve yourself and I don't want the only person worthy of my attention in this horrific place to die just because some plastic fake girl makes a comment on your weight if anything I think you are more enchanting then any of these tramps" you both blushed a bit after that comment "thank you Damien for the comment and the carrots"

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