2. Surprise

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December 14, 2017.

The number of customers had increased. A lot of people came in to the book store. I was really busy at the shop, almost forgotten about the results of the audition. It was now close to 7 pm and the shop was fairly quiet. Only 2 or three customers were in, looking for the books they wanted.

I was helping out a little boy who was looking for something he could gift his mum for Christmas this year. It was honestly so cute that he wanted to give her something.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around only to see the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. It was Cillian Murphy "Excuse me, I was looking for- hey you're the girl who came to audition that day right? "

I was completely taken aback. What was he doing in our little book store. It wasn't very common for famous people to just drop by.

"Hey.. um yeah I guess. What were you looking for?" I asked.

‌"Yeah right, I really can't decide. I mean I need to buy something for my boys, can't really find anything though. " He explained.

"Oh okay I can help you out with that. You should come with me , I could find you something on that shelf." I pointed to a shelf further away, by the wall. We walked towards it and I showed him some books that he could choose from. I was quite experienced , so I could definitely show him something his kids might like.

I didn't really know he had kids though. He must have a wife too then. I really didn't know. "Alright this one seems to be one." He said. I took the book from him. Then he started looking at some other books through the shelf.

I saw him intently, taking in his features. He had the most beautiful eyes and cheekbones and a really cute nose. He looked so focussed. "So you work here full time and give auditions? " He asked, still looking through the books.

"Yeah.. I'm trying to get myself a role. I mean, I don't really have a formal acting degree but-"

"You don't? " He asked, his eyebrows high.

"No. But I really want to be an actor so. " I said

"Well, you were really good, especially for someone who hasn't had a proper training. I mean you're gifted I guess. " He said and smiled at me.

"Wow thank you. Do you think my audition was okay? I was so nervous seeing you there, you're like a mentor to me. You're amazing. " I said.

"Well thank you. But frankly your audition was one of the best. But the rest is up to James. He's the casting director. " He said.

"Okay. Are you in the film? "

"Yeah." He said.

I nodded and looked down. He said I was one of the best but not the best. That definitely means I didn't get the part. But maybe I was just overthinking. My thoughts were interrupted when he pulled out a book from the shelf and said, " Alright this one too. "

He gave me the books so I could pack them and payed for them. I handed them to him when I was done.

"Thank you for shopping. " I said with a smile.
"Well thank you for your amazing service. " He said smiling back. "I really think you have potential. I hope you get the part. " He said and left.

Well that was amazing. I really hoped I get the part too. I thought.

At 8pm I locked the store and went to the hospital to my mother. I hadn't met her from a week, I had been so busy. But today I was going to stay there with her. I took a cab because the hospital was quite far away.

When I reached there. I saw her through the blinds of the hospital room. She was asleep. I took a breath and entered the room and took a seat on the chair right next to her bed. I took her hand in mine and kissed the top of it.

She sensed it and slowly opened her eyes. "Hey honey, how are you? "She said weakly, giving me a small smile. " I'm okay mom. Are you? "I asked.

" Yeah. " She nodded. "They're taking good care of me. You don't need to worry. How's your job? Did you give any other auditions? " She asked.

"It's alright and yeah I did a few days ago. It went good but I'll only find out the results ghe day after tomorrow. " I said.

"She ran her hand through my hair. I'm sorry you have to go through so much because of me. I was stupid and self centered. I should've sent you to school instead of wasting my money on drugs and alcohol. It's all my fault and now look at you, still coming here to visit me as if nothing has happened. As if I've been the best mother to you. " She said, her lip quivering.

"Don't say that. Those were tough times. I know, and I do kinda blame you but it's all I'm the past. What matters is that you're here now, with me and you've changed. You're so much better. " I told her.

She looked at me. "I love you Emilia. "

"I love you too mom."

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